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Job Applying ForQuestion Asked
AnaestheticsWhat is your approach to the delivery of education?
AnaestheticsWhy do you want to train in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsWhat are the positives of training/working in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsWhat are the negatives of training/working in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsWhat previous anaesthetic experience do you have?
AnaestheticsWhat is the role of the anaesthetic registrar? How do you feel you fit that role?
AnaestheticsWhat do you know about the training program? What would you change about the training program?
AnaestheticsWhat physical and safety issues might you face training/working in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsHow is anaesthesia different from other types of medical practice?
AnaestheticsHow does anaesthesia relate to other components of the Australian healthcare system?
AnaestheticsWhat are the skills/attributes of a good anaesthetist?
AnaestheticsWhat will you be like as an anaesthetist?
AnaestheticsHow have you prepared yourself to become an anaesthetist?
AnaestheticsWhat does an average day involve for an anaesthetist?
AnaestheticsWho do anaesthetists work with?
AnaestheticsWhat one achievement on your CV do you think best shows you would make a good anaesthetist?
AnaestheticsHave you done any anaesthetic courses?
AnaestheticsWhat are 2 challenges facing anaesthesia as a specialty?
AnaestheticsWhat changes may take place in anaesthesia in the next 10 years?
AnaestheticsWhat is clinical governance? Why is it important in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsWhat is the role of information technology in anaesthesia?
AnaestheticsWho is the most important person in theatre?
AnaestheticsWhat are the critical elements of patient consent?
AnaestheticsHow would you prepare a presentation for your department?
AnaestheticsIn ICU a senior reg is called away, nurse asks for airway support on a nonventilated post-op patient, what do you do?
Non Specific QuestionA colleague is behaving strange and appears to be intoxicated, what do you do?
Non Specific QuestionGive an example of a confrontation with a colleague or patient. How did you respond to the situation?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is bullying and what would you do if you or a colleague were being bullied?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time you made a mistake and what you did about it.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when something went right or wrong in a situation and what actions you took.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a challenging conversation you have had and how you dealt with this.
Non Specific QuestionYou have been to a conference which has shown treatment x is best for condition y. You get back to work and your consultant prescribes something other than treatment x. How do you deal with this situation?
AnaestheticsOften egos come into play when dealing with patients perioperatively, how do you ensure this situation doesn’t lead to altered patient care?
AnaestheticsPatient’s often have Advanced Care Directives, how do you deal with these in the perioperative period (e.g. for a #NOF)?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you received negative feedback and how you handled it.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you made a sacrifice for a colleague or patient. How did/would you deal with it if that person didn’t reciprocate when an opportunity arose?
AnaestheticsYou take 4 attempts to get a cannula in for a patient. She writes a letter of complaint about you afterwards, saying that you are incompetent. How do you respond?
Non Specific QuestionGive an example of when you worked in a team and what made it work well.
AnaestheticsYou are walking past a patient in recovery and notice they are aspirating from their LMA, what do you do?
AnaestheticsYour consultant wants to do a regional block but the patient refuses. Once under GA, the consultant starts scrubbing to do the block. What do you do?
AnaestheticsYou give a patient the wrong bag of blood. What do you do? No adverse consequences occur, do you tell the patient?
AnaestheticsAn anaesthetic nurse tells you that she is worried about another trainee. She thinks they are not coping and that they are having difficulty with the specialty. What do you do?
AnaestheticsYou are a team leader in a trauma situation, a person in your team is not coping or is not competent to do a task. What would you do? How should you ensure the team members are coping?
Non Specific QuestionWhen do you feel that you are competent do something by yourself? When do you call for help?
AnaestheticsYou are asked to see a patient in recovery who is agitated. Outline your assessment approach.
AnaestheticsWhat do you think is better, having a person who has poor skills but is easy to get along with in the team, or having someone with exquisite skills but doesn't function as a team member?
AnaestheticsYou are called to ED to help intubate a patient who is morbidly obese with SpO2 90%. When you get there, the ED reg says to the nurse, “OK, s/he’s here, give the propofol, let’s go”. What do you do?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time where you went above and beyond the call of duty.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you had to manage conflicting priorities.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted – like a promotion you wanted and didn’t get, or a project that didn’t turn out how you had hoped.
AnaestheticsYou are performing the anaesthetic for a caesarean. It is an epidural that is effective up to T5 pre-operatively. The patient starts screaming in pain. What do you do? Why is she screaming?
Basic PhysicianA 70 yr Pt presents to a Rural Hospital Emergency Department with acute chest pain. Past history is significant for previous renal transplant and T2DM. On assessment their BP is 70/40 and they are diaphoretic. Outline your assesment and management process. [If asked for an ECG - ECG shows narrow complex sinus tachycardia]. What will you do now?
Basic PhysicianA 92 yo patient is brought to ED by ambulance from a nursing home with a GCS of 9. How do you go about finding the history for this patient?
Basic PhysicianA woman who has felt unwell for several weeks to months is referred to ED with a creatinine of 600 – What do you do? What are the indications for dialysis?
Non Specific QuestionAll of us have made mistakes in our careers. Give an example of a mistake you made and what you learnt from it.
Basic PhysicianAs part of the BPT training at [Hospital Network], BPT candidates are required to go, for at least 3 months of their training, to a rural location. Are you willing to go to our rural hospitals and why/why not?
Basic PhysicianA 62yo patient with Metastatic colorectal cancer presents to ED with new onset shortness of breath – What are your differential diagnoses and how would you manage of this patient?
Basic PhysicianA 62yo patient with Metastatic prostate cancer presents to ED with lumbar back pain, constipation, abdominal pain and confusion – What are your differential diagnoses and management of this patient?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you deal with/manage stress?
Non Specific QuestionName a time that you’ve dealt with conflict and how you handled the situation?
NeurologyA 48yo paitne with Motor neurone disease presents to ED in respiratory failure. Outline your approach to assessment and management?
NeurologyA 62yo patient with Myasthenia gravis presents to ED with sensation of something stuck in their throat. Assessment doesn't confirm if the problem is neurological or non neurological in nature. Do they need admission?
NeurologySome people say neuro is very difficult, give some reasons why they are wrong
NeurologyTell us about a development in neurology that interests you
NeurologyWhy do you want to do Neuro?
Basic PhysicianA 61yo patient with poorly controlled diabetes presents with foot ulcer under great toe. Outline your approach to assessment and management of this patient?
Basic PhysicianYou are a medical registrar on night shift. You are asked to review a patient on the neurology ward who is admitted for managment of an ischaemic stroke. He has developed new fevers, is not responding to voice and has no advanced care directive in place. On reading the progress notes, you note that this patient has been steadily deteriorating during hospital admission. How would you further manage this patient?
Basic PhysicianYou are a medical registrar on the cardiology team. A patient of yours is having an arrhythmia. Your consultant wants to give amiodarone, however the advanced cardiology trainee has reviewed the patient and feels sotalol is sufficient. How would you manage this situation?
Basic PhysicianYou are a medical registrar working an afterhours shift. You are called to review a 60yo patient on the renal ward for reduced urine output. You notice that their renal function has deteriorated significantly from baseline. The patient is also hyperkalaemic, clinically dry and an ABG reveals a high anion gap acidosis. He is also complaining of chest tightness and palpitations on further questioning. The patient has no advanced care directive in place and he is not previously on dialysis. Talk us through your management of this patient. [If asked for BP patient is hypotensive] How would you manage this? [If escalated to ICU] What would you say to ICU when they arrive? [If you call the family] Describe to us what you would say to them. [If you mention discussing ACD] How would you discuss the advanced care directive with the patient?
Basic PhysicianYou notice your fellow BPT is coming in late to work, being depressed in mood and not managing their patients effectively. Describe to us how you would handle this situation?
Basic PhysicianYou are a medical registrar on the haematology team. You are currently looking after a patient who is not of English speaking background admitted for end stage myeloma and severe back pain. The patient's family are refusing opioid analgesia because they feel this will hasten her death. How would you manage this situation?
Non Specific QuestionYou feel your consultant is being unnecessarily harsh to your intern. Your intern is very upset about this. How do you manage this situation/what steps do you take in broaching this with your consultant?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a difficult time in your life and how you managed it/came through it.
Non Specific QuestionTell us something non medical about who you are?
Basic PhysicianWhat do you feel are the roles and responsibilities of a BPT?
Basic PhysicianWhat do you know about the RACP PREP program?
Basic PhysicianWhat do you understand the BPT role to be?
Non Specific QuestionWhat have you done to manage stress?
Basic PhysicianWhat does it mean to be a physician?
Basic PhysicianWhat is hypotension, how do you measure/define it, list the causes
Non Specific QuestionWhat qualities do you possess that make you a good leader?
Basic PhysicianWhat skills/qualities do you possess that makes you capable of becoming a good physician?
Basic PhysicianWhat would you change about the healthcare system?
Non Specific QuestionWhere do you find yourself in 5 years?
Non Specific QuestionWhich medical professional, whom you have worked with, do you admire most
Basic PhysicianWhy do you want to do BPT in the [xx] network? What do you have to offer for our BPT program?
Basic PhysicianYou are called to review a patient with metastatic breast cancer. She has haematemesis and is tachycardic and hypotensive. Outline your appraoch to assessment and management. Before you call the consultant she goes into cardiac arrest- what would you do now?
Basic PhysicianYou are a first term BPT, and your boss is unsupportive, rude, exercises poor judgement, and often rounds out of hours, how do you handle this situation?
Basic PhysicianYou are called by your intern after hours when you are the most senior person in the hospital. The intern is with a post operative patient that has collapsed. What would you do in terms of further management? What is your differential diagnoses list
Non Specific QuestionYou are working in a busy rural hospital when you note your colleague is over worked and stressed. How would you approach the situation?
Basic PhysicianYou have just diagnosed a patient from a non-english speaking background with terminal pancreatic cancer. A family member approaches you, insisting that the diagnosis remain kept from the patient. How do you manage this situation?
Basic PhysicianYour patient is a female that has presented with community acquired pneumonia. She has a background of metastatic ovarian cancer. Discuss the goals of care with her. Her family is very keen that she should receive full treatment. How would you manage this situation?
Basic PhysicianA 92 year old patient with diabetes and hypertension who lives alone was brought in by relatives with decreased responsiveness. What are the steps towards managing this patient in the emergency setting?
CardiothoracicsAs a cardiothoracic registrar you are told by your supervisor and trainers that your communication skills are inadequate. Evidentally, the nurses and junior medical staff often complain that you’re rude and dismissive. Assuming this happened to you how would you address the supervisor when he informed you of this?
CardiothoracicsAre you aware of performance appraisals in the workplace?
CardiothoracicsHave you ever had any experience or have you been involved in a situation where poor communication has resulted in a bad outcome for a patient?
CardiothoracicsCan you describe a situation in your professional experience where it’s been necessary for you to prioritize amongst competing important calls to your attention?
CardiothoracicsYou’re presented with a 65 year old gentleman with cancer of the lung and he’s had his workup and the treatment that is recommended for him is surgery. Outline how you would discuss the surgical options to this patient. What would you do if he declines surgeical management? What alternative management options would you discuss with him? What considerations in the post-operative period would be important to discuss with the patient?
CardiothoracicsWhat aspects of Cardiothoracic surgery are you most interested in and what are your future aspirations in cardiothoracic surgery?
CardiothoracicsWhich area do you expect to expand in cardiothoracic surgery over the next 10 years?
CardiothoracicsBriefly outline the clinical features of myocardial ischaemia and the treatment options for myocardial ischaemia
CardiothoracicsWhat tissue sampling options could be considered for a patient with solitary pulmonary nodule seen on a plain chest xray?
CardiothoracicsWhat is your understanding of the term informed consent? Take us through your process for obtaining informed consent. Once you’ve gone through that information is there anything else you do to confirm you got consent before you go through to theatre, what is it that you do? How do you ensure the patient is comfortable with the informed consent process? Is there anything about the environment?
CardiothoracicsA colleague of yours has been diagnosed with a  serious illness, and is having curative cancer medical therapy. They are still operating and theatre staff have raised concerns with you about their competency. The theatre staff come asking for your help. Can you tell us how you would manage this situation and the steps you would go through? Tell us about the other people you would discuss this situation with. They’re unwell and they seem unaware of the impact on their patients. They don’t want to go and talk to anyone. What can you do as an individual to protect your patient. How would this situation change if they were your training supervisor?{If suggested to approach as a group] So as a group you encourage this person to stop operating, and they still lack insight and they continue to operate that a patient dies as a direct complication of one of the operations they did and you’re really concerned about the patient safety, where would you go from there?
Non Specific QuestionCan you describe a situation in your professional experience where it’s been necessary for you to prioritize amongst competing important calls to your attention?
CardiothoracicsWhat are the skills and process required to perform a research project? A research project you’re completing is going to cost a million dollars. How are you going to get funding for the research project?
CardiothoracicsDescribe to us what teaching experience you have and how do you prepare for those teaching episodes? [prompts] How did you prepare for those teaching episodes? How did you ascertain what the learners needed to learn? How did you assess what the learners achieved by completing the session?
CardiothoracicsWhat local, national and international benchmarking tools are you aware of? Have you used audit yourself? Give me an example of how it’s changed your performance in any way.
CardiothoracicsWhat components of clinical performance are you aware of? Which of those is most important?
CardiothoracicsGive an example of experience you have in a leadership role What skills and attributes made you a good leader on that day?
Non Specific QuestionTell us the key ingredients to a good team. What are the attributes of a good team?
Vascular SurgeryYou are managing a patient with an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm rupture with multiple comorbidities. The patient’s family wants palliation but your consultant wants to do an open AAA. Family is distressed and confused about the plan. Theatres and anaesthetics are looking at you for answers. How would you deal with this scenario? What are the processes to avoid "futile" surgeries?
Consultant RoleHow do you feel that your clinical repertoire complements the Unit?
Non Specific QuestionCan you give an example of dealing with another difficult colleague?
Consultant RoleOutline the steps involved in implementing a new procedure.
Consultant RoleProvide an example of how you have supported relevant research in the past.
Consultant RoleYou are working in both private and public settings and are faced with a conflict of interest between the two. How would you manage this situation?
Consultant RoleA trainee in your department complains about one of your colleagues. How would you manage this situation?
Consultant RoleA nurse approaches you to complain about a trainee in your department. Outline your approach to this situation.
Consultant RoleGive us an example of quality improvement initiative you have implemented.
Consultant RoleHow would you look to improve the efficiency and productivity of the unit?
Consultant RoleWhat challenges do you expect to face in taking up this role and how to you plan to manage them?
Consultant RoleStaff specialist roles require leadership skills. How have you prepared for this?
Consultant RoleRegional services face unique challenges with regards to treament and service delivery capacity. Outline how you would manage these challenges.
Consultant RoleHospital units require frequent review for medical credentialling. Outline your understanding of this process.
Consultant RoleA 15y female is involved in an MVA and requires surgical management of her injuries. She is 18 weeks pregnant and doesn't want her parents to know what would you do?
Consultant RoleYou attend your scheduled thatre list in a new hospital and are not familiar with the instruments provided. How would you manage this situation?
Consultant RoleWhat makes a good surgical team?
Consultant RoleHow were your non-technical skills developed and assessed?
Consultant RoleAn inexperienced scrub nurse is regularly allocated to your theatre, and you want to perform complex cases — how would you manage this situation?
Critical CareTell the panel about an interesting case you were involved with recently.
DermatologyA colleague has offered $200 of skin check services to be raffled to raise funds for a local primary school. What do you think of this?
DermatologyA patient has come to you with a pigmented lesion that she has been seeing a GP about for the last 12 months, who has opted to monitor the lesion. You excise the lesion and the pathology results return – thick melanoma with a 50% survival rate. How would you manage this situation?
DermatologyA patient you have been seeing is increasingly becoming more annoying to you. On reflection you have noticed that you dread having to see them. How would you manage this situation?
DermatologyApart from dermatology, what other medical professions have you considered? What was your favourite medical school subject?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you maintain balance in life?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a time when you got two people who disliked each other to work together. How did you accomplish this?
DermatologyCommencing any new job is a challenge. What challenge to you expect to face in the first year of being a trainee and what plans do you have in place to manage this?
DermatologyDescribe your ideal job
DermatologyDo you see yourself as clinician or academic
Non Specific QuestionGive an example of an initiative you implemented at work in the last two years?
Non Specific QuestionGive me an example of a time when a colleague criticized your work in front of others. How did you respond?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you deal with competition? Are you a competitive person?
DermatologyWhat do you see as the specific dermatology needs/ particular dermatological problems of your preferred state?
DermatologyA patient with renal failure who has been in a coma has died over the weekend. A registrar not looking after the patient has been forced to explain to the family the death. The registrar was told that the death was expected, but the family do not agree with this and are angry and upset. The next day the registrar tells the consultant about the situation. The consultant tells them not to worry. Comment on this situation.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you disagreed with a superior?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to gain the cooperation of a group over which had little or no authority. What did you do
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you had to provide complicated medical information to someone. How did you break it down for them?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you had to speak up for something you believed was right or that disagreed with you colleague/ consultant / supervisor.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you were assigned a difficult or complex project where the objectives were unclear.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you were in conflict with another health worker in which the conflict made you change your opinion of a situation
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you worked on a project/ patient case without close management or direction from others.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about the most rewarding interaction between a patient and yourself.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about something you achieved in a clinical setting that makes you proud.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about your research projects
Non Specific QuestionTell us what would you do if the ward clerk asked for a corridor consult
Non Specific QuestionTell us three things you did last year to improve yourself
Non Specific QuestionWe can sometimes identify a small problem and fix it before it becomes a major problem. Give an example of how you have done this.
DermatologyWhat are your motivations for pursuing dermatology; when did you interest in dermatology first start; tell us about your passion for dermatology, when did it start; what areas in dermatology do you have a particular interest in?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you think are the main factors that can boost morale in the work place?
DermatologyWhat do you think it takes to be successful in this career; what qualities should a dermatologist have; what suggestions do you have for the college; what do you see the role and success of the dermatology college to be?
Non Specific QuestionWhat does it mean to be successful? According to your definition, how successful have you been so far?
Non Specific QuestionWhat experience have you had; tell me about yourself; describe yourself in 6 words
Non Specific QuestionWhat have you done that show initiative?
DermatologyWhat have you got to offer; give us 5 reasons/ attributes why you should be on the program.
Non Specific QuestionWhat have you learned from your mistakes
DermatologyWhat will you do in next 12 months if you don’t get into the program; how many years will you keep applying. where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
DermatologyWhat would you do if someone asked you medical opinion on a dermatology condition whilst you are at a dinner party?
Non Specific QuestionWhat would you like to achieve, professionally and personally?
DermatologyYour strength and weakness (how would your referees describe these); if there is something you could change about yourself, what would that be; what would nursing staff and allied health works have to say about you?
Emergency MedicineTell about your past experience in Emergency Medicine.
EndocrinologyWhat would you be doing if you didn’t do Endocrinology?
EndocrinologyWhy do you want to do Endocrinology?
EndocrinologyWhat skillset do you bring to Endocrinology?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a negative experience you have dealt with.
EndocrinologyHow do you deal with an insulin administration error?
EndocrinologyWhat is the role of research in endocrinology?
EndocrinologyWhich areas of Endocrinology require more research?
EndocrinologyOur hospital has a longer length of stay for DKA than others, how would you audit this?
EndocrinologyExplain to medical students what endocrinology is as a subspecialty.
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a difficult time/ time where you were under pressure.
ENTWhat is Surgical Audit?
ENTWhat Problems can arise with the audit process?
ENTWhat makes for effective audit?
ENTWhat is the Difference between Audit and Research?
ENTWhat is Research? Why is it important?
ENTWhat is Scientific Misconduct?
ENTWhat is Clinical Governance?
ENTWhat is Clinical Effectiveness?
ENTWhat is Clinical Risk Management?
ENTWhat is Quality Assurance?
ENTWhat is the Clinical Excellence Commission?
ENTWhat is the WHO Time Out Policy?
ENTWhat is a root cause analysis?
ENTWhat is a sentinel event?
ENTWhat is Meta-analysis?
ENTHow would you complete a prospective trial?
ENTWhat are clinical indicators?
ENTWhat is Evidence Based Medicine?
ENTHow do you practice EBM?
ENTWhy are Ethics Committees important?
ENTWhen do you involve the Guardianship board? Can you use it if parents don’t agree to necessary operation (eg MRM)
ENTWhat do you think of making surgeons complication rates public?
ENTHow important is teaching in Surgery?
ENTYou are told you have technical deficiencies / How do you self assess these and develop and action plan?
ENTA patient with a head and neck cancer requiring an excision, neck dissection and free flap continues to smoke and drink prior to surgery. How would you manage this situation?
Non Specific QuestionA patient under your care wishes to discharge against medical advice. What are the considerations for completing this process?
ENTPatient presents with fixed larynx, having seen colleague 6/12 prior. What do you tell the patient? How would you handle the situation?
ENTYou diagnose a patient with terminal metastatic cancer. The patient's family don’t want you to inform their relative of terminal diagnosis. How would you manage this situation?
ENTA patient under your care goes into cardiac arrest. Despite extensive advanced life support measures the resuscitation is deemed unsuccessful and the patent is pronounced dead. Following this someone sees the patient breathe. What do you do?
ENTYou are assisting your consultant in a total thyroidectomy and notice the consultant is about to cut RLN. How would you manage this situation?
ENTA 5 yo child with rapidly progressive to severe throat pain and dysphagia from mild URTI develops stridor within hours. They are now toxic (illlooking, exhausted) and drooling with marked cervical lymphadenopathy – what do you do?
ENTA patient with Grommets attends the emergency department with ear pain. On examination you note the grommet has most likely been pushed into the middle ear – what do you do?
ENTWhat are the steps to perform nasendoscopy?
ENTHead and neck cancer patient presents post definitive chemoradiotherapy with recurrence. The family are requesting medical treatment, but the patient doesn’t answer. You suspect there are cultural reasons why. What do you do? What are the ethical issues?
ENTA patient requires a rigid oesophagoscopy to remove razor blade sharp pin from proximal oesophageus. The patient is unable to consent due to mental health issues currently affecting their capacity. How do you proceed? What are the issues?
ENTIntern says to you that a registrar on another team abused them over the phone. You hear that they have done this before, but are nice to you. What do you do?
ENTYou are about to take a Cat 2 post tonsillectomy bleed to theatre. They aren’t currently bleeding. There is a discussion if it could be delayed for a Cat 2 caesar that has just been booked, and the obstetric registrar ispushing hard for their case to go first. What do you do? What are your avenues of action?
ENTThere are three cases on the emergency list. They were all initially of the same acuity. One consultant is present in theatres and wants to do his case now, the other patient has many comorbidities and has been waiting all day for their case. Your consultant has a full long day of operating tomorrow, and wants to get some rest before the day starts. How do you prioritise the cases? Who’s is the most important. Do you consider the patient’s on tomorrow’s list?
ENTYou are contacted by the relative of a patient about an operation performed privately. It was an extensive head and neck resection and reconstruction. The relative says that they were shocked to receive a veryexpensive private bill from the surgeon, and state that they had not been expecting any bill. They want to know what to do. Who are your obligations to?
ENTA patient has returned from receiving medical treatment overseas. They have been admitted with a complication. This is adequately treated, but then you hear them discussing their plans to receive furthertreatment overseas. Do you approach them? What do you tell them?
ENTYou have arrived at a new hospital, and are working in a busy Head & Neck unit. You find that there is a significant interpersonal clash between members of the multidisciplinary team. This isn’t impacting uponpatients, but you are worried about the potential for this. Can you do anything about this? What are your responsibilities?
ENTYou are in the coffee queue and you hear your intern whingeing to one of the consultants that he is finding the ENT term quite boring, and that none of the patients have any real problems anyway. How do you approach this problem?
ENTOne of the paediatric anaesthetists approaches you, concerned about one of your senior colleagues, who is rumored to retire soon. He says that he is working as hard as ever in his private operating lists, and is worried that things are taking him longer than usual. There have been no adverse outcomes yet, but he is generally a little concerned. What is your approach? What are the ethical issues here?
ENTA postoperative patient has a massive saddle embolus PE. They are intubated in ICU, receiving anticoagulation. In going through the patients notes, you see that there was no DVT prophylaxis given, despiteyou writing this in the postop note. The family believe that this complication is the result of medical negligence and are very angry. The son demands to know why didn’t you look after his mother properly. How would you manage this situation?
ENTYou are presenting a paper at a conference, and a peer admits to you that some of the data in his presentation has been made “to look good”. What is your response? What if he tells you that his consultant changed the data?
ENTYou are at an outer metropolitan hospital, and a 15yo patient who was a life long tracheostomy patient, and only decannulated recently is brought in by ambulance with stridor. She is managed appropriately in Emergency, and doesn’t need a new tracheostomy. The family however are adamant that she gets transferred to her usual paediatric hospital. How would you manage this situation?
ENTApatient who is has previously used IV drugs is admitted with MRSA neck abscess. You drain the abscesses in theatre, but back on the ward the patient is very loud and abusive, refusing to be touched (for cannulas etc), and restricting medical care. The NUM wants to kick the patient out of hospital. What do you do? Are you allowed to kick the patient out of hospital?
ENTYou are seeing a 45year old school teacher in the head and neck clinic with his wife. He has returned with the results of a PET scan and a FNA of a neck node. It demonstrates T3 SCC of unknown primary. How do you break this news to him?
ENTAn experienced ward nurse approaches you during a busy ward round to tell you that she disagrees with how slowly you are weaning a patients tracheostomy. She says that the previous registrars have always been much more quick, and implies that you don’t know what you are doing. This occurs while you are in the middle of a busy ward round with a theatre list due to commence soon. How do you deal with this situation?
ENTA patient has been referred to your clinic with a three month history of ear pain. Upon taking a further history, you find out that the patient has poorly controlled diabetes. You suspect that he may have an early malignant otitis externa. When you start explaining to him the thorough investigations and long term treatment to you, he says that he disagrees and wants a second opinion.How would you approach this situation? What are your responsibilities?
ENTA patient has deteriorated postop, and had a myocardial infarction. There is now significant neurological decline, and the intensivists suggests that the patient is unlikely to survive extubation. How do you discuss the issues with the family?
ENTYour consultant in running late for theatre. He asks you to start the first case which is a MRM for cholesteatoma.You have opened the ear and started drilling out the mastoid cavity. As he arrives you realise that instead of the left ear you have been operating on the right. Outline your approach to this situation.
ENTYour sister rings you in distress. Her husband has been involved in a motor bike accident and has suffered a moderate brain injury. As you are a doctor she wants you to come and help as she is overwhelmed. You arrive and she tells you what has happened so far, but the story doesn't make sense to you and the doctors seem to be treating the patient for more than a simple moderate head injury. After being there for several hours his condition deteriorates and he arrests. The doctors approach your sister and explain the situation. She then becomes increasingly distressed and turns to you. She reports that they think they should withdraw treatmentand what do you think? How would you manage this situation?
ENTYour performing a FESS on an elderly patient for chronic rhinosinusitis. During the procedure you notice a non-polypoidal, dark mass on the infra-orbital margin of the maxillary sinus. You decide that the consent extends to cover this and decide to try and excise it. Unfortunately while trying you puncture the infra-orbital artery. The bleeding is profuse and cannot be stopped except for packing. You are unable to proceed further with the excision nor the FESS on that side. You go to see her in the recovery room, outline your response.
ENT A young male is admitted under another team following a fall. He suffered a BOS # and had low GCS and so was intubated. Haemotympanum was noted at the time and there is an obvious fracture through petrous temporal bone on CT. You are called to see him 2 weeks after the event because the family has noted worsening facial droop. Repeat CTB shows a bony spicule in the facial nerve canal. When you review him the family are very upset that his facial palsy is getting worse and nothing is being done. How would you manage this situation?
ENT You sustain a needle stick while operating. The person is elderly and from there past history there is no reason that you would suspect them to be carrying HIV or Hep B,C,D. Your consultant who is supervising tells you not too worry about it and to keep operating. How do you respond?
ENTA patient of yours has newly diagnosed Hep C. He states he thinks he contracted it from an affair that he had that has now finished. He is not planning to tell his wife as their relationship is still rocky but improving. He asks you to keep it quiet and not tell anyone. What are your responsibilities and how would you managet his situation?
ENTYou are cheif engineer on a new bridge across a hazardous stretch of water that has claimed several lives before because of boat accidents. You are only a part way though the construction process when one of the labourers dies as a result of an accident. The incident is reviewed by the OHS committee who say there is no way to make it safer. Discuss the conflicting priorities.
ENTA general becomes aware that there is some secret information held in a secure compound that will aid them in their current war on terror. The only way to get the information without incriminating the country is for a small group of marines to go in with great stealth. However, there is expected to be significant casualties. You are the commander of the small group briefing them before the mission. How would you manage these conflicting prioroties?
ENTThe laser safety officer seems distracted. Several times he has failed to stop the laser when instructed and unfortunately this has caused deeper penetration of the laser to underlying tissue. You are only part way through the operation and the tonsil cancer is still in situ but you are worried as the next several steps are critical. How would you proceeed?
ENTYour usual anaethetist is unavailable. The replacement anaethetis for your tonsil list insists on using a laryngeal mask and chooses to give high amounts of oxygen. While performing the tonsillectomy you find visualisation difficult and are having to diathermy more than usual. While using the diathermy you cause a small fire in the tissue that fortunately extinguishes almost immediately. How do you proceed?
ENTYour secretaries in your rooms complain about a family that have been seeing you for many years. Apparently they have stopped paying your fees and disrupt your waiting room. Several other patients have been so upset that they have complained. Your secretaries want you to send them to someone else. How would you manage thi situation? What are your responsibilities?
ENT As you are setting up your new practice you have bought a system of online patient medical records (x). The initial start up costs are massive for the system but you evaluated them and thought it was a good deal compared to the others on offer. You are talking with a senior colleague who states he has just moved away from x as he stated the system sometimes crashed and he was unable to access the records, he also had some concerns that it may have not been secure. How would you approach this?
ENTA mother of a 6 year old boy brings her son to see you. She is concerned that there is deformity to her sons ears and wants an operation. When examining them they are slightly asymetrical on close examination but appears normal otherwise. The boy is not fussed by it and does not want to have an operation. How would you manage this situation?
ENTYou volunteer to work in a developing country. Unfortunately they have limited access to sterile stock and currently there are no sterile gloves. An HIV patient arrives after being stabbed, he requires urgentlaparotomy. The colleague who you are working for tells you he is cought up elsewhere and you need to do it. How would you manage this situation?
ENTAfter several years of trying, you have got on to ENT training. In the few weeks before you have an episode of brief loss of consiousness. No one else notices. It happens again several weeks later but again no one notices. It is a busy term and there is no one to relieve you. How do you proceed?
ENTA young patient presents for a mastoidectomy for extensive cholesteatoma. Unfortunately he does not bring his CT with him. Your consultant elects to go ahead and the patient is put to sleep. A facial nerve monitor is set up but doesn't seem to be working properly and while performing the time out you notice specifically the RFA states in bold that the facial nerve monitor needs to be used. Your consultant tells you to go ahead but then is called away to an emergency elsewhere. How would you manage this situation?
ENTYou are a junior registrar. You have noticed that several of the patients you have seen post operatively have had their grommetts already fallen out within several weeks of you placing it. You are seeing a 5 year old girl, who has had 2 previous sets of grommets. Mum asks how the grommet is as she has previously had ones that didn't work. Examination shows the grommet in the canal. How would you manage this?
ENTYou have been managing a patient with chronic ear discharge for several years. They state that a doctor relative of theirs has recomended a treatment and they want you to provide it. You have had some professional interaction with their relative and do not value his opinion. How would you manage this situation?
ENTA family member of yours has a terminal diagnosis with estimated 5year survival. You have access to the medical records. They are being offered an operation that may cure them, but has a 10% mortality rate. How would you manage this situation?
ENTA patient from a non-English speaking background has cancer. What are the difficulties in communication and navigating the health system? What are the barriers to communication? What services are available for them?
ENTYou are a journalist and come across private medical information about a public figure who promotes family values has a domestic violence allegation against them. Do you publish the allegation? What is your duty of care to the public? What about the family?
ENTYou are the junior leader of a sea rescue plane. You have experienced staff members. You go out to rescue a ship, and unfortunately during the mission two of the ship crew and two of your rescuees die. There is a press conference. They want to know who is to blame. How would you approach this?
ENTConsultant wants you to assist him in a new operation. There is a high risk to the patient, and previous patients have died. The consultant wants you to help anyway. What do you do?
ENTYou are a young consultant performing a new surgical procedure in theaters. Midway during the case the device representative tells you that a critical component of the prosthesis is missing, without which you are unable to complete the case.1) What are the issues?2) What is your approach?3) Discuss the ethics of introducing new techniques/technologies to surgery
ENTYou are the inexperienced leader of a failed helicopter rescue mission in which 1 crew member and 1 patient die. Upon returning to land the press is waiting.1. What are the issues at hand?2. What needs to be done?3. What do you tell the press?
ENTYou are operating with a consultant. He sustains a needle stick injury but continues to operate.1. What are the immediate issues2. What are the long-term issues3. Outline how you would manage the situation
ENTYou are a young doctor in a country hospital. A paramedic brings in two sick motor vehicle accident patients, a 15yr year old male with an open tracheal injury and 55yr old female in hypovolemic shock secondary to groin laceration.1. What are the issues/problems you face?2. Who do you treat first and why?3. What do you tell the family of the other patient?4. What are your thoughts on the ethics of resource allocation?
ENTYou are the school principle. Two senior students have reportedly bashed an intellectually disabled child for the amusement of other students.- What is your initial management of the situation?- What are the issues at play?- What do you tell the parents about your decision?
ENTYou are operating on a patient and you do not realize than an alcoholic preparation was utilized in the preparation hasn’t dried completely and the diathermy you use causes it to catch fire.- What is your immediate management?- What do you tell the patient?- What do you do for the longer term management?
ENTYou are the son/daughter of a parent who does no speak English well, you also have English as a second language. Your parent has been diagnosed with maxillary sinus cancer.1. Consider the issues that would arise negotiating the health system. GP-specialist-pathology, radiology, surgery and post op care.2. What would you do if you were the son/daughter?3. What advice would you give the patient as a doctor?
ENTYou are the after-hours surgical registrar. There are three cases on the emergency list; yours, one that was cancelled this morning and one for an elderly lady with comorbidities. They are all of equal urgency.1. What factors decides the order?2. Your boss puts pressure for your case to go first. What do you do?3. You believe the other registrar is lying about the urgency of their operation. What do you do?
ENTA 5yr old boy presents to ED with facial bruises. You note that he has presented with similar injuries in the past.1. What are the issues?2. how would you handle this situation?
ENTA 35 year old person who is the partner of a friend of yours has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has come to you for advice. They don’t want you to speak to anyone about it including your friend. 1. What are the issues?2. How will you manage this situation? How would you approach this?3. What is your role as a mediator?4. What situations would change your approach?
ENTYou are a consultant that also works in a private hospital. You receive profits from the procedures carried out.1. What are the implications for the patients?2. What are the implications for you?3. Would you tell your patients?
Non Specific QuestionA close friend in your 1st year medical school class tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. He feels overwhelmed by his studies and is considering dropping out of medical school to spend more time with his mother. How do you counsel your friend?
ENTYou are and ENT registrar and you assessed a patient in ED who had otitis externa, you asked your RMO to prescribe the discharge medications. The RMO followed the protocol and prescribed Ciproxin HC. The patient returned to hospital with a rash after using the eardrops. The patient was admitted into the hospital and the same RMO prescribed Ciproxin HC again. The patient developed anaphylaxis and required ICU admission and intubation.1. What are the issues?2. How would you approach the situation?3. Who is responsible?4. What can you do to prevent this happening again?5. How would you rate your answer as an interviewer?
ENTYou are a green grocer/manager of a company for transporting perishable goods.1. What are the potential issues you can identify that are associated with this job?2. Give an example of how you deal with a specific issue.3. What are the similarities that you can see with this role/job and your role as a doctor? 
ENTA journal recently published a landmark article regarding trauma patients in large tertiary hospitals. The concluded that patients who they sampled expressed a number of concerns as follows:- That they weren't included as part of their medical management process.- The continuity of care was disjointed.- There was a lack of communication between staff/team and their patients.- They felt their concerns were not listened to.- They lacked privacy.A) How would you address the issues?B) What strategies could you put I place?C) How would you assess these/your actions?
ENTYou are making rounds in the hospital one morning and as you arrive on one of the teaching wards, you see one of your senior colleagues and a group of house staff standing in the nursing station. When you get closer you realize that your colleague is berating one of the residents over a mistake made on the ward. Your colleague appears angry, is speaking in a loud voice and is referring to the resident as stupid is making disparaging remarks about his previous education and the fact that someone like him ill never succeed in the discipline. The resident in question is obviously very distressed by what is going on as are all the other students and residents in the group.- What professional and communication issues have been raised in this scenario?- What are your initial thoughts?- How would you describe the attitude of the teacher?- What options could you pursue in this situation?- What would you do?- What would be the personal consequences of your actions?
ENTYou are called to see a young child who is a Jehovah’s witness with a severe bleed. The patient is becoming hemodynamically unstable but the parents do not want transfusion of any blood products.- What do you do?- What are the issues involved?- How do you face the family?- How do you base your decision?- Will you transfuse?
ENTYou have just finished rounds and have an appointment with a resident who has been on your service to go over his end of rotation evaluation. You have discussed the resident performance with other preceptors and you have all concluded that the resident’s performance is unsatisfactory. The resident enters your office and instead of telling him the truth you tell him that although his performance is below average you still grade it satisfactory overall. You are concerned that if you submit an evaluation that is unsatisfactory you may be exposing yourself to an appeal which will be time consuming and likely confrontational.- What professional issues have been raised in this scenario?- What are your initial thoughts / reaction to this situation described?- How would you describe the attitude of the teacher?- What options could you pursue in reacting to this situation?- What would you do?- What would be the personal implication of the action you take?
ENTYou are a GP seeing Jane, a 67 year old female with a recent history of multiple fragility fractures. You diagnose her with osteoporosis and prescribe some bisphosphonate drugs and other pharmacological treatments. Jane tells you that she has heard some good things over the internet about alternative medicine treatments such as Chinese medicine, and she is adamant on trying these as well. You are concerned about the use of these alternative medicine treatments and the possible negative effects they could have on Jane’s health. How would you handle the situation and what would you recommend Jane to do?
ENTYou are a 1st year registrar doing a clinic with your consultant. You call a patient into your room and he informs you that he always sees the consultant. You look at the note to identify the problem and to see if/why the consultant has seen the patient in each previous occasion. You then talk to the consultant regarding the patient’s request. The consultant says "he just needs his mastoid cavity cleaned, get on with it". What are the issues? What would you do? They still insist on the consultant-what do you do? What methods would you use to convince the patient to do the mastoid?
ENTYou work in a hospital and you are the junior anesthetics registrar. The surgical consultant and registrar are in the scrub bay when time out is commenced. - What do you do? - What is the value of time out?- If timeout continued and something went wrong, whose fault would it be?
ENTYou are the principal of a school and suspend the son/daughter of the chairman of the board of education. The parent is angry and threatens that you lose your job as a result.- What do you do and how do you take steps to prevent this?- If you were offered your job back to unsuspend the child, what do you do?- What is the RACS policy on bullying?- What are the parallels for this situation in medicine?
ENTImagine that a family member calls you and asks to come to help with a major family situation. The oldest member of your family has been diagnosed with a condition that will kill them within the next five years. Alternatively they can have a procedure that will correct the problem with no long term symptoms. However the procedure has at least a 10% mortality rate. The family member wants to have the procedure-others in the family do not want to. As someone with medical training you are expected to be the family mediator.- What are the issues?- How would you address this?- Even after your conversations the parents are adamant about surgery, what else can you do? How should this decision be made?- Do you know if there is a policy on treating family members?
ENTYou are a 35yr old patient from a NESB who needs an operation for a procedure and the doctor brought in the consent form to sign and you have no family here.- What would you like the doctor to do?- What would you like the doctor to tell you?- How do you expect the doctor to explain the procedure?
ENTYou are the registrar on a transplant team. A 50yr old man underwent a renal transplant for ESRF. On a routine post op CT, the transplanted kidney appears to have evidence of metastases within it.- What would you do in the first instance? Would you tell the patient- How would you break the news? Should you talk to anyone first- Who would you inform and involve in this situation- What happens to the patient now- How are you going to prevent this happening again
ENTYou want a patient to stay in hospital a few more days. The patient wants to go home as their husband can’t take any more time off work, children are missing her, and her mother is sick.- What would you have been hoping to achieve by your response?- What do you think the patient wants from you?- How could you encourage the patient to stay in hospital?- What would you say to the patient if she decided to go home/stay in hospital?- Would you consider trying to scare the patient into staying in the hospital?- Would you disown the patient for leaving against your advice?
ENTYou are the coach of an under 11yr old basketball team, with players of different levels entering the national championships. It is an event that has enormous prestige and importance for the school. There is substantial pressure to perform well and win the cup.- How would you manage the team, given that all parents are keen for their child to play?- How would you win the cup? Would you drop the poor players?
ENTYou are on call and your consultant comes in to perform procedure. You smell alcohol on their breath. What do you do?
ENTYou have just been appointed manager of an underperforming retail store and our brief to turn it around.- What will be your initial approach?- What do you need to know?- How will you decide what to change?- What are the key skills and attributes you need to achieve your goal?
ENTYou are the doctor of a football club. A football player approaches you and tells you of problems with drugs and alcohol affecting his play and family.- What do you do?- Who would you tell?- The footballer plays poorly during the match and someone suggest that it is because he is into drugs. What do you say and do?- One night he turns up to practice, staggering and with a black eye. What do you do now?
ENTYou are offered a large sum of money to endorse a pair of football boots that you have never worn before.- What do you do?- There is no time to try the boots out as you are at the media conference now and they want you to say one line about how great the boots are. What do you do?- Now they want to offer you a million dollars for a one line statement on TV, what do you do?- When is appropriate to endorse a product?
ENTA 52 yr old lady with lump in the neck, operated last year by another hospital. She was told that it was benign but now it is advanced cancer.- What are the issues in this case?- How do you approach this situation?- How do you explain this to the patient?
ENTA 52yr old lady had previously presented 6month earlier to the department with a hoarse voice but no investigation were performed despite a diagnosis of VC palsy. Cleary a thyroid mass was missed and now the patient has an advanced malignancy.- What are the issues involved in this case?- How do you approach this situation?- How do you explain this to the patient?
ENTYou are operating with consultant in a Lap Cholecystectomy and the bile duct is inadvertently incised. The consultant says not to tell the patient.- What are the issues involved in this case?- How do you approach this situation?- Would you tell the patient?
ENTYou are the CEO of a large hospital which is looking to fund a very expensive piece of new equipment and are approached by a CEO of a well know pharm company the products of which the hospital uses infrequently because of issues of quality and supply. They offer to donate 50% of the cost and an annual donation for a 3 year period and in return want to be acknowledged in the annual report on the major donors list. You have to make the decision regarding accepting as the board will automatically approve your recommendation.- What will you take into account in making your decision?- Are there ethical issues involved and what are they?- Will you consider community perception?- What will you decide?
ENTYou are supervising teacher for the highly successful “breakfast for children” programme, which ensures that all primary school children are getting a good breakfast in a community where malnutrition is commonplace. The school headmaster has decided to withdraw funding of the programme in favour of increasing funds for a library computer programme.- How would you approach the headmaster for the breakfast for children programme?- What would you do if he refused to re instate the funding?
ENTYou are asked to see a 50yr old physician’s wife who is hospitalized because of a seizure. During the course of you history taking, the patient informs you that she has been taking very large amounts of transquilizer and analgesics containing narcotics for control of her symptoms of a stress related disorder. These drugs have been prescribed on an ongoing basis by her husband who appears to be acting as her physician.- What are your initial thoughts to the situation described?- What options could you pursue in reacting to a situation like this?- What would you do if you were involved in this situation?- What would be the personnel consequences of your action?
ENTYou consent a patient for a skull base procedure and verbally mention the possibility of damage to cranial nerves 7, 9, 11 and 12, but you only record 9, 11 and 12 on the consent form. Post operatively the patient develops 7th nerve palsy. Later you receive a letter from the patients lawyer.- Do you go back and alter the chart entry so that damage to the the 7th nerve now appears on the original consent form?- How do you respond to the letter from the lawyer?
ENTYou are a paediatrics registrar. You have a 16year old patient who has been diagnosed with cancer. She has had multiple treatments already all of which have failed. The disease is rapidly progressing and she has 6 months to live. She does not want any further treatment. Her parents find out about a new expensive drug and ask your consultant to trial it on their daughter, but he declines saying that it has too many side effects and very little supporting evidence. They come to you and ask you to speak to your consultant on their behalf and you agreeA) What do you do?B) What do you know about consenting a minor?C) Discuss the balance between medical rationing and providing care?
ENTYou are successful in getting on to SET training.A) How do you prepare for the first month of starting a registrar job at a new hospital?B) You have a conference to attend to but you are rostered on call. What do you do?
ENTYou are a general surgical registrar about to start your morning ward round. You get a call saying there is an acute abdomen in ED. You're boss calls you saying that one of the patients who you will be operating on today does not have their pathology results back yet. A family member of a patient comes up to you and wants to talk to you about the patient.A) What do you do?B) How do you prioritise these?C) What is the impact of you prioritising one of these over the others?
ENTA Journal article got published about culture of medicine, impeding junior doctors' professional development.A) What are the issues in culture?B) How might you address these?
ENTYou are part way through an operation when you become aware that one of the members of the health team is under the influence of a drug which is affecting their capacity to function professionally.What issues have been raised in this scenario?What are your thoughts on the situation?What level of responsibility you are obliged to take, and what options could you pursue in a situation like this?What would you do if you were involved in this situation?What might be the personal consequences of such an action be for you?Have you ever encountered a situation like this and how did you feel about what you did?
ENTYou are part of a team doing sign-out rounds at the end of the day. You notice that most of the patients are referred to by their proper names and are dealt with in a respectful manner. There are two patients on the ward who have been particularly difficult to deal with and the team considers them to be demanding, non-compliant and to be taking a tremendous amount of time compared to other patients. In discussion, some of the members of the team refer to these patients pejoratively as ‘the drunken Indian in 618’ and ‘the hysteric in room 625’.- What are you initial thoughts on this situation?- What kind of a learning environment would such a situation create?- What options could you pursue in responding to a situation like this?- What would you do?
ENTYou are the director of a drop in youth centre in a community where there is little for teenagers to do after school and on weekends. The centre provides a range of activities and since its opening there has been a reduction in crime in the area. One of your regular attendees had been caught in a break and enters and asks you for a character reference before the court case. - What will you do?- What are the ethical issues?- Is there something you could have done to prevent this situation?- What are the parallels for this situation and Medicine/Surgery?
ENTIdentify and prioritise the patient and resource issues that need to be taken into consideration in making a choice about who should be given priority for an expensive operation and or therapeutic treatment when:- One patient is a teenager and the other a middle-aged- One patient is a smoker and the other is obese- One patient is male and the other female- One patient has had previous delays in their treatment and their health is deteriorating and the other is in better health and more likely to benefit
Non Specific QuestionHow do you appraise your own work?
AnaestheticsWhat would you do if you saw your boss using Propofol from the same vial for different patients?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you know if you are doing a good or bad job?
AnaestheticsWhat are the best and worst things about anaesthetics?
General Practice54yo woman sent to your practice, NESB, with son. Wants a medical certificate for Centrelink. Son helps with interpretation but you don’t think she qualifies for one. She gets angry and thinks you’re disrespectful. She writes a complaint letter. Your GP supervisor asks you what happened how do you deal with this?
General PracticeA swab comes back positive for Influenza A. Your patient is a childcare worker. You find she has been at work. Despite your advice. How would you manage this situation?
General PracticeYou are a registrar in general practice and are seeing a new patient of the practice who identifies as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. What resources are available to you to support this patient and how can you coordinate these if the patient would like to proceeed?
General PracticeYou are a GP registrar and a patient visits you for medication scripts. You notice that the webster pack he has brought along is still full and he hasn't taken any of the medication. How would you proceed?
General PracticeDescribe a time when you were faced with a challenging diagnostic problem. Why was it so challenging and how did you develop a management plan for the patient?
General PracticeDescribe your experiences inside and outside medicine that have influenced your commitment to a career in general practice. [further prompts] How did these experiences influence you? Which experiences in particular involved caring for others? Tell me about the type of care you provided. Which aspects of general practice have these experiences guided you towards? What professional activities have you undertaken to realise this commitment?
Non Specific QuestionExplain a time in or outside of medicine that you observed and acted upon unprofessional behaviours.
General PracticeExplain how you would approach contact tracing for a patient whom you have diagnosed with Chlamydia while maintaining confidentiality of the patient?
General PracticeGive an example of a clinical situation in which follow up was critical to patient care. How were you involved, and how did you make sure that continuity of care was maintained?
General PracticeGive an example of a clinical situation where there was difficulty in communication (not ESL). How did you overcome this/ these barriers?
Non Specific QuestionGive an example of a clinical situation where you were unhappy with the behaviour of a senior colleague. How did you resolve this?
General PracticeGive me an example when your patient did not agree with your suggested management and how you managed this.
General PracticeGive me an example of a situation where you had to explain a complex scientific topic to a patient. How did you approach this?
General PracticeGive us an example where you received feedback from senior staff members of the team, eg. your registrar or consultant and how the feedback led to practice change.
General PracticeHow did you prepare for entry into GP training?
General PracticeHow do you explain ashtma to your patients and how do you vary your explanation for different patient populations?
General PracticeHow do you approach colleagues about misdiagnosis?
General PracticeHow do you manage if you are uncertain about the diagnosis?
General PracticeHow would you manage pathology results in your health system?
General PracticeIf one of your fellow GPs prefers to recommend complementary medicine to his patients as he thought complementary medicine would not do any harm. How would you respond to this practice?
General PracticeA parent attends a small rural practice with her child. Last night they saw your fellow registrar, they are concerned about how your fellow registrar treated their child. You see that the fellow registrar missed the diagnosis. How do you deal with the situation?
General PracticeYou are faced with a scenario where patient-doctor boundaries are blurred or at risk. What is your approach?
General PracticeReflect on your medical career. How did you improve on your medical practice?
General PracticeTell me a time when communication was important between health systems.
General PracticeTell me about a patient who had complex health needs, and required follow up by other health professionals after leaving your care.
General PracticeTell me about a time when a patient disagreed with you (team).
General PracticeTell me about a time when you experienced barrier in communication that wasn’t language.
General PracticeTell us why you’ve chose GP training. What are the rewards and challenges?
General PracticeYou are the only GP on duty for the day at a practice. The practice manager informs you that there is a patient in the waiting room who is complaining loudly about the treatment received at the practice. The practice manager requests your intervention. How would you manage this situation?
General PracticeWhat have you done up to this point to prepare yourself for general practice training?
General PracticeWhat is effective clinical handover?
General PracticeWhy do you want to be a GP? What makes you think you’ll be a good GP?
General PracticeYou and a group of fellow doctors went out for dinner. After a few drinks, one of your friends started talking about a patient’s medical issues in a very disrespectful way and was loud in its' delivery. What would you do?
General PracticeYou are a GP in a small practice. One day, the practice manager asked you to do general screening for all people over the age of 18 years. How would you respond to this new policy?
General PracticeYou are a GP registrar in a small country town. A female patient of practice comes in saying she has suffered a sexual assault and that the perpetrator is her husband. Both her husband and 2 children are also patients of the practice. How do you deal with this situation?
General PracticeYou are a GP Registrar. A patient's son was told by a dermatologist over the phone that his mother had melanoma, and asks you not to tell his mother. What would you do?
General PracticeYou are a junior doctor working in a ward with another junior doctor. The nursing staff repeatedly ask you to complete tasks that are the responsibility of the other doctor. What would you do and why?
General PracticeYou are asked to do a clinical audit on diabetic foot ulcers in your patients who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. What professional and personal preparations would you do?
General PracticeYou are presenting to a group of medical students about your preparation for GP entry. How would you say about your motivation and commitment?
General PracticeYou are the only GP in a small rural town. A local police officer came to see you and revealed that he suffered from depression and stress from work. Also he was having relationship issues with his wife. How would you manage him?
General PracticeYou are working in a practice as a GP registrar. You have strong suspicions that one of the GPs in the practice has been injecting pethidine. His behavior has been strange for several weeks and he has been late to work and occasionally looks disheveled. You’ve also noticed some (pethidine) stock has gone missing.Today on entering the practice he is behaving erratically, and you think he looks “pinned”or “high”. How do you deal with this situation?
General RMO/SRMOA 25 year old female presents to ED with an asthma attack, the triage nurse has commenced the 3 course of salbutamol. Review after the course finds BP 140/73, Pulse, 125, RR 35, O2 sat 93 percent, ABGS PH 7.30. How would you comment on her findings and how will you manage her?
General RMO/SRMOA 45 y/o male presents to ED with chest pain. Outline your management approach?
General RMO/SRMOYou notice that your colleague is distracted and not performing well lately. How will you approach him and to whom will you escalate this situation in hospital?
General RMO/SRMODesccribe your approach to assessment of an elderly patient in ED after a fall.
General RMO/SRMOWhat are your career goals?
General RMO/SRMOTell us about clinical case that you had a significant learning opportunity. Why is that the case?
General RMO/SRMOA female who is 6 weeks pregnant presents to ED with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Her general observations are within normal limits. The ED registrar tells you she can be followed up in outpatient clinic , what will you do?
General RMO/SRMOWhy do want to join this hospital?
General RMO/SRMOWhat to do about an under-performing colleague?
General RMO/SRMOYou are the only surgical SRMO in a regional hospital. Two consultants want you to be at their theatre lists which are occuring simultaneously. How would you manage this situation?
General RMO/SRMOHow does one introduce change?
General SurgeryYou are asked to set up an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programme. How do you go about doing this?
General RMO/SRMODo you think surgery is more hierarchical than other professions and if so why? Is this a good or bad thing?
General RMO/SRMOHave you witnessed any bullying behaviour? What did you do? Is there more you would have liked to do? What are the barriers to you acting how you wish to? What is the RACS process for reporting a surgeon bully?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a time where you had to deal with an under-performing medical student. What did you do?
General RMO/SRMOWhat models of feedback are you aware of and how do you incorporate them into your teaching practice?
General RMO/SRMOWhat teaching have you done? How do you know it’s been any good? Whose responsibility is teaching – consultant, registrar or medical officer?
General RMO/SRMOTell us about a time you’ve taught a junior a skill. How do you assess how well they’ve learnt?
General SurgeryA junior registrar is performing a laparoscopic appendicectomy but part way through, you realize he is not competent to do this? What do you do? Do you think the hospital environment encourages this behaviour, i.e. attempting to perform a procedure not competent to do?
Non Specific QuestionHave you ever been encouraged to perform a procedure you were not entirely comfortable doing? What did you do? How did you reflect?
General RMO/SRMOHow do you learn?
General RMO/SRMOAre CPD courses a good way to learn? What courses have you done? Do you think they should be a pre-requisite to training?
General SurgeryHow can you improve surgery? Audit, research, clinical governance, WHO checklist implementation
General Surgery80 year old patient with a history of dementa presents to ED with recurrent sigmoid volvulus. Outline your assessment and management plan.
General SurgeryAn elderly patient presents to ED with an Irreducible hernia. The patient is admitted and the Consultant on-call suggests surgery. The family decline surgery. Pt doesn’t have capacity to give concent due to advanced dementia. Discuss the issues presented and how you would approach managment.
General SurgeryHow do you communicate issues for and against surgery with a patient's family when the patient lacks capacity to consent? Are you aware of any communication models you can use?
General RMO/SRMOCan you describe a time you have experienced when the plan of the medical team was at odds with the ideas of the patient/family?
General RMO/SRMOHow would you rank the pillars of medical ethics, i.e. respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice
General SurgeryYou are called to theatre as the on-call registrar. A 16 year old boy is on the table, asleep, consented for laparascopic appendectomy. You notice erythematous swollen right hemi-scrotum. Suspect correct diagnosis is epididymo-orchitis. How do you proceed?You remove normal appx. He is treated for his epididymo-orchitis, develops urinary retention and a wound infection. Family concerned and angry about the incorrect diagnosis and removal of a normal appx. They feel they weren’t appropriately involved in consent process. They want to make a formal complaint against you. Describe how you would deal with this situation?
General SurgeryWhat is informed consent? At what age do the parents no longer have to sign the form?
General SurgeryWhat potential complications would you discuss when describing a laparoscopic appendicectomy to a patient? What is the accepted rate of urinary retention post-op? What is the accepted rate of port site infection?
General SurgeryHave you ever had a complication from a procedure you have performed? What did you do? Who's responsibility is it to inform the patient and family?
General RMO/SRMOWhat is open disclosure? What is your hospital’s open disclosure policy?
HaematologyA 22-year-old man with sickle cell disease is brought to the emergency room for acute onset facial asymmetry and severe pain. He was in school when his teacher noted a drooping of his left face. His temperature is 37.7°C, blood pressure is 122/89 mmHg, pulse is 110/min, respirations are 19/min, and oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. Physical exam is notable for facial asymmetry and 4/5 strength in the patient's upper and lower extremity. A CT scan of the head does not demonstrate an intracranial bleed. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this?1 Alteplase2 Exchange transfusion3 Heparin4 Hydroxyurea5 Warfarin
General RMO/SRMOA colleague of yours has performed a medication error, which has resulted in harm to the patient, and he is trying to cover up the situation, what you will do?
General RMO/SRMOAt times you will be asked to do many things at once. How do you prioritise your tasks?
General RMO/SRMOCan you give an example of how you have been involved in managing an error?
General RMO/SRMOA patient presents to ED with chest pain, short of breath and sweating. Outline your assessment and management approach. What will you look for on the ECG?
General RMO/SRMOHow does doing a general year align with your career goals?
General RMO/SRMOHow safely do you think you can perform this job?
General RMO/SRMOTell me about a time you made a mistake and had to tell a Registrar or Consultant.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about your strengths.
Non Specific QuestionTell me how you would you deal with a resident who wasn’t doing his share of the work.
Non Specific QuestionTell me how your experience is going to help you do this job
General SurgeryTell me the steps you would take to perform an appendicectomy, from the beginning, where the patient is in the anaesthetic bay.
Non Specific QuestionTell us two things you do not like about the medical profession
Non Specific QuestionWhat are your weaknesses?
Non Specific QuestionWhat has been your greatest disappointment?
Non Specific QuestionWhat kind of clinical skills do you have?
General RMO/SRMOWhat other positions are you considering?
Non Specific QuestionWhat skills do you bring with you?
Non Specific QuestionWhat strengths will you bring in to our team?
General RMO/SRMOWhat would you do if you're asked to perform a procedure you are not comfortable with/don't have the skills for?
Non Specific QuestionWhat was the last journal article you read and what did you learn from it?
General RMO/SRMOWhich rotation are you most looking forward to?
General RMO/SRMOWhat is your best academic achievement
Non Specific QuestionDescribe this object (Hammer) to someone over the phone (without saying Hammer)
HaematologyWhat appeals to you about haematology
HaematologyWhat is the role of a laboratory haematologist
HaematologyWhat research have you done
HaematologyHow would you explain a procedure to patient
HaematologyHow would you explain procedure to a junior colleague who has never heard of it before
HaematologyHow do you approach anaemia in a general medical patient.
HaematologyWhat prior experience do you have in haematology?
HaematologyWhat are your strengths and weaknesses?
HaematologyWhat experience do you have leading a team?
HaematologyWhy is communication important?
HaematologyGive us an example of something you have done outside of your rostered hours which shows your interest / commitment to haematology.
HaematologyYou have been asked to prepare the weekly haematology teaching roster for your unit. How would you go about doing this?
Non Specific QuestionYour resident has been arriving 20 minutes late to work every day for the past week. How would you approach this situation?
HaematologyA patient receiving a blood transfusion becomes febrile to 39C and is rigoring. How would you manage this situation?
HaematologyWhat are you most worried about going to work in the laboratory?
HaematologyWhat are the indications for a bone marrow biopsy?
HaematologyHow do you communicate with a haematopathologist?
Non Specific QuestionTell us about your teaching experience.
HaematologyHow do the skills you have learned in teaching help you in your haematology practice?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are some of your strengths and how have they been used to improve patient care?
Non Specific QuestionA surgical JMO comes crying into the resident room stating he has just been bullied by one of the surgeons. How do you handle this situation?
NeurologyA 31 year old female with Multiple Sclerosis comes to see you and has new lesions on her MRI since her last visit. She is insisting on exercise and diet and does not want to start any other disease modifying therapies. How do you respond to her in this situation.
Non Specific QuestionCan you talk us through this gap in your work experience?
Non Specific QuestionYou have spent most of your time in [City X] and you say your family and supports are in [City X].What are your reasons for applying for a position in [City Y]?
Non Specific QuestionAre you considering pursuing a Fellowship as part of your training?
Non Specific QuestionAre you interested in academic medicine?
Non Specific QuestionCan you give an example of how you have contributed to improved clinical governance?
Non Specific QuestionCan you share with me some constructive feedback you’ve received and how you’ve used that feedback to change the way you work?
Non Specific QuestionCan you tell us about a time when you accepted responsibility for an error at work? What was happening at the time? What did you do to address the situation? What was the outcome? What did you learn from the situation?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a situation in which you found that your results were not up to your supervisor’s expectations. What happened? What action did you take?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a situation when you had to speak up or be assertive in order to get a point across that was important to you.
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a time when a clinical error was you fault. How did you manage it
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a time when you had a disagreement with a member of the multidisciplinary team?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe a time when you missed the obvious answer to a solution.
Non Specific QuestionDescribe an adverse event in which you have been involved in and what steps you were required to follow. What was the outcome? What did you learn from the event?
Non Specific QuestionDescribe an instance when you had to think on you feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.
Non Specific QuestionDescribe of a time when you were not satisfied or pleased with your own performance. What did you do about it
Non Specific QuestionDo you intend to pursue research?
Non Specific QuestionGive an example of a policy you conformed to with which you did not agree.
Non Specific QuestionGive me an example of a time you had to make an important/ quick decision. How did you make the decision? How does it affect you today?
Non Specific QuestionGive me an example of an important goal you had to set and tell me about your progress in reaching that goal.
Non Specific QuestionGiven an example when working in a group produced greater result than working alone
Non Specific QuestionHas any of your personality traits ever created a strain between you and your team?
Non Specific QuestionHow can this hospital help you reach your goals?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you deal with conflict?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you get along with other members of the multidisciplinary team?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you handle the balance between work and study and how do you think you will handle the stressors of the training program?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you stay up to date with the latest information?
Non Specific QuestionHow would you deliver a cost improvement programme
Non Specific QuestionIf you weren't a doctor. What would you have been?
Non Specific QuestionIn ED you found a man who's 2nd language is English and there is no interpreter available in the hospital what will be your approach?
Non Specific QuestionPlease recall a situation where you felt it was appropriated to persist with one task despite the presence of other competing tasks or priorities
Non Specific QuestionAn intern calls you, distressed that their registrar is leaving early, turning up late. What do you do?
Non Specific QuestionA member of the multidisciplinary asks to discuss a patient with you as they do not agree with your management plan. What do you do?
Non Specific QuestionYour intern charts a drug "weekly" instead of "daily". What's your approach?
Non Specific QuestionTeamwork and leadership are important – how have you contributed to teamwork?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a family you had trouble dealing with.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a patient you had trouble dealing with.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a project or idea that was implemented or executed successfully because of your efforts?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a stressful situation you experienced at work and how you handled it.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a stressful situation you experienced in medical school or at work and how you handled it.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time that you had conflict with a team member and how you handled it.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time that you tried to accomplish something but weren't successful.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you experienced a loss for doing what is right.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had a difficult task to complete with numerous obstacles, and how you went about completing the task. What steps did you take to prepare for and finish the project? Were you happy with the outcome? What step would you do differently?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had conflicting deadlines to meet. How did you prioritise your tasks and what did you do?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to analyze information and make a recommendation.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to change the way you approached a patient/ situation based on what is important to them.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to get to the bottom of something at work.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to learn something new in a short period of time.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to use written communication skills in order to get a point across.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you had to work outside your prescribed/ usual practice/ hospital policy.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you were involved in a team and what was your specific role and what was the outcome.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you made a mistake and had to inform the patient.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you were dependent on others to gain a result.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you were disappointed in your performance.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you were upset with the behavior of a team member or faculty and how you dealt with it.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you worked effectively under pressure
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when you’ve given a team member feedback? How did you approach it and what was the outcome?
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when your particular knowledge helped others to solve a problem.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time when your performance was criticized.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time you encountered an unreasonable deadline, what did you do about it.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about a time you had to build a relationship with someone you did not like.
Non Specific QuestionTell me about what irritates you about other people and how you deal with it.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time that you've laughed and cried at work
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time when you came up with an ideas that no one else had thought of.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time you dealt with a difficult patient
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time you needed to make a decision where you didn’t have all the information you needed to make that decision.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about a time you were dissatisfied or disappointed with an outcome despite all your best efforts to produce good result.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about the last skill/hobby you learned which is unrelated to Medicine.
Non Specific QuestionTell us how you have professionally improved yourself over the last year.
Non Specific QuestionThis program includes secondments and rural rotations. Do you foresee any problems in participating in any of these arrangements?
Non Specific QuestionWhat accomplishment are you most proud of?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the biggest challenges to the Australian federal health budget on the next 10 years.
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the differences between audit and research?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the traits of a bad leader and can you give examples from your experiences at work?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are you looking for in a training program?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are your career goals?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you like to do in your free time?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you see as the positive aspects of this specialty?What do you see as the negative aspects of this specialty?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you think is the most difficult part of the speciality
Non Specific QuestionWhat have you done to prepare for this role?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is involved in organising an audit?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is something that you are proud of outside of medicine and how have you applied it to your work?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is the most difficult medical situation you encountered? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is your approach to failure? Give us an example of a time that you have dealt with failure.
Non Specific QuestionWhat makes you a good doctor?
Non Specific QuestionWhat problems do you think this specialty may face in the future?
Non Specific QuestionWhat techniques do you use to improve patients adherence?
Non Specific QuestionWhat type of patients do you find difficult?
Non Specific QuestionWhat type of patients do you find most frustrating to deal with?
Non Specific QuestionWhat was the last book you read?
Non Specific QuestionWhat would your referees say about you?
Non Specific QuestionWhen did you have to make a critical decision in your life?
Non Specific QuestionWhere do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?
Non Specific QuestionWhere do you see yourself practicing?
Non Specific QuestionWhy are you interested in our program? Why did you apply to our program?
Non Specific QuestionWhy did you become a doctor?
PsychiatryWhy psychiatry training? What other specialties have you considered? Do you feel it would be better for you to gain more medical experience first?
General RMO/SRMOYou are at a rural location on night shifts, and the intern calls in sick. The on-call intern does not want to come in. What is your approach to this situation?
Non Specific QuestionYou have been offered by a drug company an all expense paid trip to a conference overseas. What do you do?
Non Specific QuestionYour colleague confesses to using recreational drugs when not working. How would you manage this situation?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are your major achievements in your current position?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is a professional, specifically related to the field of medicine?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the qualities of a good mentor? Do you have a mentor (or role model)? Who/why?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you achieve a health balance between work and life outside of work?
Non Specific QuestionWhat things do you not like to do?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you debrief after a stressful situation?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the important steps to follow after a critical incident (or patient death)?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you contribute to your ongoing education and that of your peers and colleagues?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is an audit? Why is it important? Have you been involved in any audits?
Non Specific QuestionDiscuss a project you’ve been involved with or a paper that has changed your practice.
Non Specific QuestionTell us about an innovative idea that you have come up with to improve something in your workplace.
Non Specific QuestionWhat makes a good working environment? What makes a bad working environment?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you think about training in a rural/peripheral centre?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you understand by the term CME/CPD?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the biggest challenges facing healthcare now and into the future?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you think could be done to contain costs within a limited health budget?
Non Specific QuestionWhat is the role of social media in health?
Non Specific QuestionDefine excellence.
Non Specific QuestionHow would your patients describe you? What do you do to achieve that?
Non Specific QuestionWhat kinds of patients give you the most difficulty? How do you handle that?
Non Specific QuestionWhat individuals have most influenced your physician style?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are your values? How do you apply them in your actions? Describe situations where you have applied these values.
Non Specific QuestionWhat is most important in your job to be happy and successful?
Non Specific QuestionWhat are the life/work balance issues that are important to you? How do you maintain this balance?
Non Specific QuestionOn a daily basis, what motivates you? What discourages you?
Non Specific QuestionGive me an example of a patient encounter where your relationship with the patient was the most important tool you used.
Non Specific QuestionWhat kinds of people do you work best with? Worst with?
Non Specific QuestionHow do you like to be evaluated? Who do you want feedback from?
Non Specific QuestionWhat electives have you chosen in your training and why?
Non Specific QuestionWhat were your strongest clinical rotations? How did you know that?
Non Specific QuestionWhat clinical rotations gave you the most difficulty?
Non Specific QuestionWhat would you have changed about your medical school experience if you could?
Non Specific QuestionWhat leadership roles have you taken?
Non Specific QuestionWhat community activities have you participated in?
Non Specific QuestionWhat personal considerations or needs do you have?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you want us to remember about you?
Non Specific QuestionWhy would you be a better GP than any other kind of specialist?
ObservershipWhy did you choose this program?
ObservershipWhat challenges do you think you would face as an observer?
ObservershipHow would you overcome challenges as an observer?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are called that a patient post partum who has lost 500 mls of blood .What will you do?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyCan you describe the research requirements for ITP trainees, and what are your thoughts on these requirements?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are on a night shift. A women with preeclampcia was admited to your hospital. You call to a consultant and he says that if a patient is stable you should not write CTG. What would you do in this situation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou overhear a group of midwives discussing their concerns about your recent interactions with several different patients. Specifically, they appear worried about your communication with patients during emergencies. How would you address this situation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyOperating theatre efficacy is key to decrease ever expanding elective surgery wait-lists. Discuss one process/area/practice that you believe could be improved to facilitate a more efficient operating theatre, and how you would go about addressing it.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyMaternal sepsis, associated with pregnancy, is a leading cause of mortality throughout the developed and developing world. Discuss one method for reducing the rate of sepsis from EACH OF:Primary prevention.Secondary preventionTertiary prevention
Obstetrics & GynaecologyOne of RANZCOG’s main roles is the training of future specialists. There are many hurdles faced by the organisation, and training facilities, in developing a well-rounded physician. Please discuss one training problem that you expect to face as a future trainee and what you could do to improve it?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou have started on a new team as their registrar. You note after your first few weeks that your new resident, a very experienced SHO, has been very rude and unprofessional towards you during this time. They regularly don’t complete, or openly refuse, plans and directions given to them by you. You have discussed these plans with other colleagues and consultants and know them to be safe and reasonable. You believe this resident is bullying you. Please discuss how you would handle this situation.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are seeing a patient in antenatal clinic for her 2nd pregnancy. After you review her notes, you realise that you were heavily involved in her uncomplicated first pregnancy, including her discharge. In the GP referral letter, you note that the patient now has Anti-D antibodies and is Rhesus negative. After searching extensively through her notes, you realise that she was not given Anti-D last pregnancy and that this was her sensitising event. After explaining the Anti-D diagnosis to the patient, she is upset and wanting to know why she is now positive to Anti-D. Please discuss how you would handle this situation.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyAs part of the RANZCOG training program you will have to do a communication course. Give an example of a situation you have been involved in where good communication was important and why.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyThere is a suggestion by midwives that the primary PPH rate at your hospital has increased in the last 3 months. How would you approach this and improve the rate?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhy do you want to be an obstetrician and gynaecologist?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are the Registrar in clinic. A low risk 30-year-old primip is declining induction of labour at 40+10 which is your unit’s policy. How do you approach this?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyO&G is a very demanding specialty. How do you see yourself managing your work-life balance?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are seeing a patient in clinic for her 6 weeks postnatal check as she had a 3rd degree tear at her forceps delivery. During the consultation, she asks for a copy of her medical records. How do you approach this?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWomen’s health issues have been widely publicised. Describe a women’s health issue and why is it important.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou have a primip who has been in labour and has been 8cm for 5 hours. The midwife says she’s not concerned and wants her to continue without intervention. What are the issues at hand and how would you approach this situation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhat are some health challenges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians face and what are some ideas within O&G to combat this?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyTermination of pregnancy has been widely publicized. What are the benefits, and describe the barriers at a hospital such as yours?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyIn this COVID-19 pandemic, O&G units are doing more telehealth consultation in antenatal clinic. What are some advantages and disadvantages?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are about to enter specialist training. What are the attributes (not technical skills) that you would consider important in an O&G? And how will you seek to gain these throughout your training?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhooping cough vaccination is offered to all pregnant women from 20-32 weeks in every pregnancy regardless of immune status. Please explain the critical elements in counselling women to undertake the whooping cough vaccination.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are reviewing a 17-year-old in the emergency department who has attended the emergency department for abdominal pain, PV discharge and temperature. Her ultrasound scan has indicated a small amount of free fluid with a possible right hydrosalpinx, but otherwise normal. She has attended with her mother, who is constantly at her side and has been aggressive to the emergency staff after the doctor suggested that the cause for her symptoms was a sexually acquired infection. How would you manage this situation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyDepression and anxiety are increasingly evident in women within the reproductive age group, with 10-20% prevalence at any one point in time. There is a good deal of evidence to show significant adverse obstetrics and social outcomes are associated with unrecognized depression and anxiety in the peripartum period, and as such we are encouraged to screen throughout pregnancy. Explain what is the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Score and Antenatal Risk Questionnaire in screening mental health in pregnant women? And how effective are they at indicating the need for further evaluation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou were asked to see a patient after her procedure. She was upset that a salpingectomy was performed instead of a salpingotomy for an ectopic pregnancy. How would you approach this situation?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyEndometriosis is a significant women’s health issue and more can be done about it and for the patients. What is your understanding of this issue.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhat attributes do you possess that sets you apart from other RANZCOG ITP hopefuls?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyCaesarean section rate is rising around the world and in Australia. It is about 30% in Australia. WHO sets an ideal section rate of 10-15%. What can we do to reduce the C-section rates?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyEmployment opportunities for FRANZCOGs are increasingly limited and competitive. Where do you see yourself in 10 years which would carve a niche for you in the industry?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyClimate change is a public health emergency. What are the impacts of climate change on health and what can be done about it?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyBlood is a precious resource. Describe 3 strategies to ensure effective use and reduce wastage of blood and blood products in your facility.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhat factors contribute to good maternity care? What can be done to improve maternity care at your facility.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyYou are called to review a patient who is day 1 post-cesarean section who has developed seizures and collapsed. Outline your management approach.
Obstetrics & GynaecologyA CTG shown to me.I was asked to describe this CTG in technical terms.Along with this a scenario was given to me .A primigravida patient 7 cm dilated, Head at ischial spine but in LOT position.How would you manage the patient considering this CTG?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhat OBGYN procedures can you do unsupervised?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhat are your long term plans regarding your career?
Ophthalmology14-year-old girl has chlamydial conjunctivitis. What ethical issues are involved? What do you tell her parents?
OphthalmologyThere are 5 patients in ED with viral conjunctivitis – they have all recently been seen in the Ophthal Dept- what do you do?
OphthalmologySurgical equipment is being damaged in theatre (possibly by a colleague) to the point where it is interfering with the flow of surgical lists each week. What do you do?
OphthalmologyA colleague is not following preferred practice patterns. What do you do?
OphthalmologyAfter surgery your patient has decreased VA. Outline your management approach? How would you manage the situation if there was an angry family member?
OphthalmologyOutline your appraoch to discussing a surgical complication with the aptient and their family.
OphthalmologyA patient is sent to the emergency department by a colleague with suspected retinal detachment, there is no detachment. What do you do? What do you tell the patient?
OphthalmologyConsultant tells you to proceed with operation you are not competent with. What would you do?
OphthalmologyDiscuss advantages and disadvantages of being an ophthalmologist.
OphthalmologyDiscuss the main public health issues facing the community.
OphthalmologyDo you find busy outpatient clinics good or bad? How do you cope with them?
OphthalmologyYou are a new consultant, an elderly patient wants to go public for her cataract surgery – how do you advise her?
OphthalmologyProvide an example of a patient refusing treatment- how did you handle it?
OphthalmologyGive us an example of when you have been particularly persistant to achieve something other than the primary?
OphthalmologyGive your opinion on the stem cell research debate. Discuss the applications of stem cell research to ophthalmology.
OphthalmologyGiven the current environment of medical litigation, discuss how this will affect a registrar’s work and the flow of information from consultants to registrars.
OphthalmologyHow did doing the psychometric testing benefit you? What did you learn from it?
OphthalmologyHow do you approach patients with complex medical problems?
OphthalmologyHow do you communicate with patients of different culture- give example.
OphthalmologyHow do you get extra information out of a patient? Give example?
OphthalmologyHow do you handle patients with rare conditions?
OphthalmologyHow do you make clinical decisions?
OphthalmologyHow do you plan to work a busy registrar job and study at the same time. How do you study for exams?
OphthalmologyHow does the research you’ve done benefit patients?
OphthalmologyHow would you consent a 43yo male for focal laser treatment?
OphthalmologyJust before midnight (end of your on call shift) – PEI comes in – you ring boss for help- he tells you to do it yourself and hangs up – then takes phone off hook etc – what do you do?
OphthalmologyOperating theatre constantly running late- what do you do about it?
OphthalmologyPick one of your publications- what was the reason for the topic- how did you research it/ publich it?
OphthalmologyIn what period of your work career were your happiest?
OphthalmologyTell about a time when patient you are consenting didn’t understand what you were consenting them for and what you did about it.
OphthalmologyTell us about a time that you had a patient who didn’t understand their diagnosis and what you did about it.
OphthalmologyTell us about a time that you treated an emergency and what you did?
OphthalmologyTell us about one of your publications?
OphthalmologyTell us how your research has helped you?
OphthalmologyThere is a yearly golf day for [Hospital] consultant paid for by a drug company. What are the ethical issues involved?
OphthalmologyTime in clinic when seeing pt and thought previous colleague made wrong decision. What do you do?
OphthalmologyWhat are the characteristics of a good ophthalmology registrar training program?
OphthalmologyWhat have you done or been involved in that would make you a better ophthalmologist?
OphthalmologyWhat surgical experience have you had?
OphthalmologyYou are running behind in a busy clinic and a patient needs a cataract operation. You explain the risks and she says “I’ll do whatever you recommend doctor”. What do you say/do?
OphthalmologyYou discover a colleague is critical of your management. What do you do?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingBleeding occurs during an extraction of 28. How would you manage it (with no consultant)?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingYou are developing a new biomaterial. How would you design the study?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhat do you bring to the OMS profession?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhat effects does poverty have on OMS practice and healthcare?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingThe consultant is about to transect the lingual nerve. How do you manage this situation?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingYou are concerned that your consultant is selecting the wrong procedure for one of your patients. How would you approach boss about alternatives?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingYou wish to perform research into paediatric facial trauma. How would you design the study?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingHow is a patient prepared for surgery?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhat challenges are you aware of in the OMS program?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingDo you think the curriculum is appropriate for the OMS training program?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingPeriodontist argues with you that they are better at placing implants and that maxfacs can only fix fractures. How do you approach this situation?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingDo you think medicine is an appropriate inclusion in the OMS program and why?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhy OMS? Have you considered other specialities - medical and dental?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingIs research important, and should it compulsory?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhere does OMS fit in with universities - funding for research etc?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingYou take a 14 yr old to theatre for removal of 48. During extraction, you fracture 47, prognosis appears poor. What do you do?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingA patient has to be taken to theatre urgently. You cannot get hold of your boss. What do you do?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingYou are assisting your boss privately on a Friday. There is still one more case on the list. Your boss needs to fly interstate, and asks you to finish the list. What do you do?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhat is your opinion on asking trainees to rotate interstate during their training?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingHow do you introduce a new procedure or material in the hospital? What protocol do you follow?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingJournalist comes to your hospital, and would like to know incidence of trauma due to alcohol. What do you say?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingOrthognathic surgery – should it be public considering the waiting list for trauma and head and neck cancer?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingA senior reg wants to do a surgery not indicated – what do you do?
Oral Maxillo Facial TrainingWhy OMS? Have you considered other specialities - medical and dental?
Orthopaedics[Presented with a knee model]. Explain the anatomical structures. Where does the ACL attach? Where does the PCL attach?
Orthopaedics15yo female multitrauma, unconscious patient with parents who are Jehovah witness refuse transfusion/auto salvage, what do you do. When she awakens she agrees with transfusion, does that change your management?
Orthopaedics40yo Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman with severe learning difficulties has a 4 year old distal radius malunion. Her carer says it is causing her pain. An orthopaedic surgeon says she needs the operation. What do you need to consider in managing this case?
Orthopaedics45yo male with midshaft femur # needs IMN. The patient refuses because his mother died in the same hospital a few years ago. What could you do?
Orthopaedics80yo NOF# who is competent and current plan is to go to rehab post surgery. Her daughter wants her to go to a nursing home. How would you manage this situation?
OrthopaedicsA 12yo female presents to your clinic with her mother. Referral is for a 1 week history of arm pain, xray showed a mid-humerus tumour lesion. What do you say to the patient and her mother? What next investigation will you do?
OrthopaedicsA 45yo patient with diabetes and schizophrenia presents with a gangrenous foot. You want to do possible investigations for possible amputation. She tries to leave hospital. What do you do and what do you need to consider?
OrthopaedicsA 45yo male presents with multitrauma post-MBA - head injury, check injury, pelvic fracture and long bone fractures. How do you manage this patient?
OrthopaedicsA 76yo woman with dementia presents with a periprosthetic femur fracture on Friday. The oncall VMO (Dr A) asks you to book the patient on Monday under another VMO (Dr B) who is specialised in Hips/Knees, and to organise the equipment for Monday. Dr B is uncontactable/away until Monday (although he does have a list on Monday). What issues are presented in this case.
OrthopaedicsA child with a femoral fracture is under your care. Both parents, whom are separated, disagree on decision for further treatment (operative v non-operative). How would you approach this situation?
OrthopaedicsA friend has finished his training and has produced leaflets advertising his services with patient testimonials on them. They ask you to distribute them in ED - what do you do?
OrthopaedicsA patient attends 6 months postoperatively with a drain retained in wound on XR, no clinical issues however. How would you manage this?
OrthopaedicsAn RN caring for your patient has not followed the treatment plan, resulting in adverse outcomes, reflecting poorly on yourself. How would you manage this situation.
OrthopaedicsWhat are some of the barriers to patient discharge and how can you improve these?
OrthopaedicsD3PO L3-4 decompression, went well post operatively until now and is complaining of bilateral limb numbness/weakness. How will you manage this situation? What investigation do you arrange? Anaethetist informs you they need an ECHO before surgery, what will you do?
OrthopaedicsDepartment head wants to use a new prosthesis that is bottom 25% in joint industry and high revision rate, and he got a royalty, what do you do?
OrthopaedicsDescribe the anatomy of the hip. a. osteology of the pelvis and hip b. osteology of the femur c. classification of femoral head fractures
OrthopaedicsDescribe the process of applying a below knee cast for a stable ankle injury. What are the complications of plasters. What are the precautions for a patient in a full cast. A patient returns to the outpatient department with an inadequate cast application, what do you do?
OrthopaedicsExample of being a good leader: - inside work - outside work
OrthopaedicsExplain the management of ankle dislocation
OrthopaedicsHow do you go about managing a wrist fracture in a patient under the influence of illicit substances?
OrthopaedicsHow do you go about reducing a congenital hip dislocation?
OrthopaedicsHow do you go about setting up a research facility as a consultant?
OrthopaedicsHow do you manage a dislocated ankle?
OrthopaedicsHow do you put on a cast?
OrthopaedicsHow would you change theatre efficiency in a three month period, what resources do you use?
OrthopaedicsOutline the different members of theatre staff and their roles
OrthopaedicsPrioritise the following cases and justify your answer. a. 20yo with displaced subcapital neck of femur b. compound tibia fracture c. 80yo with NOF # d. dislocation of prosthetic hip e. young male with finger fracture
OrthopaedicsRun the panel through how you would consent for NOF # management.
OrthopaedicsWhat are the attributes of a senior registrar that your junior expects?
OrthopaedicsWhat are the biggest non-surgical influences on orthopaedics in the last 50 years?
OrthopaedicsWhat are the red flags of low back pain? Define a red flag. How would you manage a patient with acute low back pain and saddle anaesthesia.
OrthopaedicsWhat is the mechanism of action of Plavix?
OrthopaedicsWhat is the process of surgical time out and why is it important.
OrthopaedicsWhat reasons would you not operate on a NOF#
OrthopaedicsWhile assisting your consultant with a supracondylar fracture you notice he is about to cut the ulnar nerve, what do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou are asked to organise the transfer of a patient from another country to have surgery at your hospital, how do you go about doing this?
OrthopaedicsYou are called to ED to see a 23yo footballer who twists his knee, heard a pop and knee swells immediately. What is the diagnosis? What are the differential diagnoses? How would you manage this patient?
OrthopaedicsYou are called to ED to see a 35yo who fell off a ladder and sustained an ankle injury. How wold you approach this situation? (sustains bimalleolar fracture)
OrthopaedicsYou are called to see a 92 NOF# with mild dementia, how would you approach, how would you consent?
OrthopaedicsYou are called to see a patient who is waiting for surgery. They want to complain, go to the local newspaper, and press litigation. How do you handle the situation?
OrthopaedicsYou are provided a picture of a 45yo man post MVA (midshaft femur fracture). He was sent from ED to the ward. You received no handover from ED or the evening registrar. He is 92% O2 on 6L. What is the likely diagnosis? What investigations will you perform? What are the treatment options?
OrthopaedicsYou go to assist a junior registrar with hemiarthroplasty, get down to the bone and there is no fracture (i.e. the wrong side) what do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou have a patient with an isolated lesion in their femur. They are in pain with a 12 month prognosis. They decline surgery, asking instead for euthanasia. How would you approach this situation?
OrthopaedicsYou notice a consultant asks you to put multiple item numbers on THR op note that others do not. How would you approach this?
OrthopaedicsYou notice on a ward round that one particular consultant seems to have a higher infection rate than the others. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou private assist who surgeon, however he is not present and you finish the case a few times. The surgeon wants you to write his name on the op-report. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou see a 24yo woman with olecranon bursitis in the ED. Following appropriate management she is discharged from the ED. 3 days later there is a letter of complaint that you sexually assaulted her, what do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou have a 7 year old patient who presents with a supracondylar humeral fracture. What do you know about this injury, the classification, the risks of this. And how would you manage this patient? How would you reduce and splint them? If the patient is in a rural town, how would you arrange to manage them and for their transfer?
OrthopaedicsYou are a registrar in a peripheral hospital and there is a child with a deformed elbow who undergoes a closed reduction and K wire fixation. You note that the intraoperative XR and post op XR are less than the standard that you have seen accepted in other hospitals. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsOrthopaedic surgeons have a role in being a leader in preventing surgical harm. Give an example of a time you have prevented surgical harm.
OrthopaedicsWhat qualities of an orthopaedic surgeon make them an ineffective leader? What aspect of your leadership do you need to improve?
OrthopaedicsYou are called to see a 23 year old male with a football injury.(XR of anteriorly dislocated shoulder)What is the arrow pointing to?What attaches at the circled structure?What is your ED management of this patient?
Orthopaedics(XR of proximal both bone forearm fractures in an adult)What do you tell theatre is your plan for this patient?What is your surgical approach to this injury, specifically the radius? What are your post operative orders for the ward?
OrthopaedicsYou are a junior consultant in clinic and you see a 19 year old female who has injured their knee on a background of previous ACL surgery by another surgeon. They are upset at the surgeon as they will be missing the rest of their netball season. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsWhat is the greatest ethical challenge facing orthopaedic surgery in the next 10 years?
OrthopaedicsYou are the senior registrar in a busy fracture clinic with 80 patients to be seen. You are called by a consultant who has a case in private but their assistant is unavailable so they have asked you to assist and they’re very insistent. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou learn that another registrar is hiding cases from the weekly trauma case meeting, what do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou are a registrar and there is a patient with a displaced neck of femur fracture. The patient’s family doesn’t want the consultant on call to treat the patient as they know someone who has had a bad outcome with that particular surgeon. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou are the registrar in an elective arthroplasty list with the consultant. After the distal femur is cut, a fly lands on the cut bone. The consultant waves the fly away. What do you do?
Non Specific QuestionWhat does advocacy mean to you? Describe a time you’ve seen advocacy in healthcare.
OrthopaedicsYou are the on call registrar in a public hospital and the consultant on call asks you to send the referred patients to them in private, where you will assist them and get assistant fees. What do you do?
OrthopaedicsYou are an orthopaedic registrar and it is Friday. There is an ad-hoc trauma list on the Monday which has a complex orthopaedic case first as the consultant who can do the case needs to leave at 10am to fly to Las Vegas for AAOS. You find out you have been bumped by another case. What do you do?
Orthopaedics15y female, MVA, needs surgery for her injuries, is 18 weeks pregnant and doesn't want her parents to know what would you do
OrthopaedicsThe evening theatre coordinator says they are about to send for a previously booked 4-hour orthopaedic operation and your patient will have to wait. The orthopaedic registrar has told them their case must be done tonight. What are the issues and what do you do now?
PaediatricsA new born screening test results comes back as positive for congenital hypothyroidism, the patient requires review, but you cannot get in contact with the patient’s usual paediatrician, how do you manage this situation?
PaediatricsCan you give an example of how clinical governance impacts upon paediatric medicine?
PaediatricsDiscuss a recent journal article and how it changed your approach
PaediatricsFamily of infant with complex metabolic syndrome disorder requiring lots of intervention and multiple specialist appointments. Overwhelmed by carer burden. How do you assist as the Registrar?
PaediatricsHow will you manage a situation if a nursing staff refuses to follow your order on the pretext of wrong calculation done by you for a drug infusion
PaediatricsPlease restate (as prior stated in application) your first preference of site for the panel and describe why
PaediatricsPlease tell us about a previous experience with clinical governance and how your actions improved patient safety
PaediatricsPlease tell us about a time where you were involved in a patient’s care that was compromised. How would you improve the situation for next time?
PaediatricsPlease tell us about why we should choose you?
PaediatricsPlease tell us about your 5 year career path and goals and how this position will help?
PaediatricsPlease tell us about your research interest and previous experience
PaediatricsThe Fellow is also responsible for the education program for RMOs, please describe the attributes that make a good clinical educator
PaediatricsThe role involves significant responsibilities for patient care along with staff support. It can be stressful, please describe what resilience measures you have in place in your own life to manage these challenges.
PaediatricsYou are asked by an RMO to review an inpatient, an infant who was admitted 3 days prior with failure to thrive and bronchiolitis as they are requiring increased respiratory support. During your review you notice signs suggestive of neglect and physical abuse including bruising. How do you approach this patient? Follow-up: What about the fact that they were admitted 3 days prior without anyone noticing the signs of abuse?
PaediatricsYou are the paeds rehab fellow, a nurse on the ward contacts you regarding a conversation she had had with the mother of an inpatient. The mother has reported that she is feeling overwhelmed by the patient’s routine, all the medications, OPDs and other requirements. How do you manage this situation?
PaediatricsYou request a consultation from a clinical colleague you have previously had a good relationship with. Unfortunately they are refusing to see your patient and have become verbally aggressive with you, how do you manage this situation?
PathologyIf you can invite 3 people for dinner, who would they be? Can't name family.
PsychiatryA patient presents to ED following an attempted suicide. What information will you gather and how will you decide if this patient is safe for discharge?
PsychiatryCan you give an example of where you have applied recovery centred care for a patient and their family?
PsychiatryCan you give an example of where you have had to resolve a conflict with a member of the nursing or allied health staff over the diagnosis or care plan of a patient?
PsychiatryHow do you cope with stress of psychiatry job?
PsychiatryWhich medications are regularly used for PRN in the inpatient setting?
PsychiatryPresented with a case of a patient acutely aggressive in the Emergency Department. Outline your process for assessment and management.
PsychiatryA young girl came with self harm in emerency, she has been medically cleared. She wants to go home and is standing outside ED and not willing to stay. At the same time you get a call from the ward that a patient is becoming aggressive. How you approach?
PsychiatryAn elderly man/woman is found by their neighbour behaving bizzarly and brought to ED by ambulance. Outline your approach to assessment of this patient.
PsychiatryAn elderly man is brought to ED after overdose of pills but on attendance the patient denies taking them. Outline your assessment and management approach.
PsychiatryYou are called to the ward to review an admitted patient who has become aggressive and abusive towards staff. They staff are requesting IM PRN medication. Outline your assessment and management approach.
PsychiatryA 42yo man is brought from a pub due to unsual behaviour. They have no past psych history. They are now abusive, aggressive, agitated, and confused. Outline your approach.
PsychiatryA 28yo man is found bizzare and disorganized in street with no mental health history. You are asked to assess the patient in ED. How do you approach?
PsychiatryTell any time when you used your medical knowledge or skills or being a manager, advocate, professional.
PsychiatryTell us about a clinical scenario when you experienced significant anxiety
PsychiatryWhat are your interpersonal weaknesses?
PsychiatryWhat do you see as the pros and cons of the biopsychosocial model?
PsychiatryWhat is your understanding of the term countertransference? Can you give an example of countertransference in your current or previous work?
PsychiatryWhat is your understanding of the training requirements for the RANZCP Fellowship?
PsychiatryYour Consultant has called you this morning to tell you they will be arriving late (in order to sort out an acute problem with a community patient).They were scheduled to give a tutorial to medical students.You are now asked to give the tutorial.Its a quiet day on the wards and you have an hour to prepare.Outline your approach.
Radiation OncologyWhy do you wish to pursue a career in radiation oncology?
Radiation OncologyOutline your approac to spinal cord compression management?
Radiation OncologyTell us about a time when you've exercised integrity
Radiation OncologyDescribe a situation where you have had to handle conflict
Radiation OncologyTell me about a scenario which has resulted in an emotional response for you.
Radiation OncologyWhat would you do if your other registrar is taking time off to study for exams and you are swamped with work?
Radiation OncologyWhat makes a good Radiation Oncologist?
Radiation OncologyWhat does the term 'patient centred' care mean to you? Can you provide an example of when you personally contributed to excellent patient centred care?
Radiation OncologyCan you give us an example of when it has been difficult to work with someone and how you dealt with those issues?
Radiation OncologyIf we were to solicit feedback from your colleagues , family and friends, what would be the common themes?
Radiation OncologyCould you tell us about a time when you lacked skills or knowledge to complete a task? What did you do?
Radiation OncologyTell us about a new skill you have taught yourself recently?
Radiation OncologyIn choosing a training site what are your top 3 factors that you consider and can you list them in descending order?
Radiation OncologyWhat have you done to explore your interest in radiation oncology? and what clinical experience do you have in radiation oncology?
Radiation OncologyTell us about a time when you demonstrated excellent clinical skills?
Radiation OncologyIf you were selected, what would be your priorities for the first 6 months of training?
Radiation OncologyA female with breast cancer wants to stop treatment half way through because she is worried about getting covid19 from other patients - how do you manage this situation?
Radiation OncologyTell us about a project you have been a part of - what was your role, what was the outcome, how has it led to change/impact and what did you learn?
Radiation OncologyA 66yo male with metastatic lung ca presents to the Emergency department with severe back pain. Outline your assessment and management approach.
Critical CareWhat skills have you accumulated so far that will help in critical care?
Critical CareWhat critical care procedures do you consider yourself proficient in? How have you determined this?
Emergency MedicineWhat do you see as the big issues relating to emergency medicine in the next 5 year?
RadiologyWha are your thoughts on going rural as part of your training or on completion of training.
RadiologyWhat research activities have you done?
RadiologyA consultant asks you to interpret an MRI (as 1st yr reg). Outline your approach.
RadiologyWhy do you want to work i radiology?
Radiologywhat research project would you do/create if you had unlimited funds?
RadiologyWhen are the part 1 exams?
RadiologyWhat will you do next year if you don't get on the program?
RadiologyReview each of the following images and provide your provisional diagnosis: #, CXR NG tube in R main + PTX, diffuse SAH CT head
RadiologyDescribe some important qualities of a radiology registrar.
RadiologyA patient receives the incorrect scan, what do you do?
RadiologyYou feel a colleague isn't completing as much work as you and you are overwhelmed with tasks. What do you do?
RadiologyPatient on CT scanner thinks they will die from contrast. What do you do?
RadiologyDescribe an interesting CT or X-ray and three major learning points from it.
RadiologyDescribe some occasions where you have been involved in MDTs, and what you hope to contribute as a radiology registrar?
RadiologyWhat are some of the negative aspects of radiology?
RadiologyDescribe this cxr - (ngt down bronchus with collapse)
RadiologyWhy are you the right person for the role? What experiences lead you to believe that you are the right person for the role?
RadiologyDescribe the RANZCR training program framework.
RadiologyYou receive an inappropriate request for imaging. What do you do?
RadiologyExplain a time when a patient had an adverse outcome and what you would do differently.
RadiologyTell us what you think about other specialists performing imaging and procedures e.g. cardiology.
RadiologyTell us about reporting an incident using PRIME, and how you would set it up for radiology.
RadiologyDescribe how you would interpret a CT abdomen.
RadiologyDescribe the role of the radiology request form
RadiologyDescribe workplace health and safety issues in radiology
RadiologyDetail the skills you have acquired since graduation – particularly decision making skills, surgical skills, three dimensional thinking, and observational skills
RadiologyHow have you demonstrated a commitment to ensuring patient safety and quality/how have you participated in organisational improvement?
RadiologyHow have you prepared to sit the challenging part one examinations?
RadiologyHow long have you been interested in radiology?
RadiologyHow would you manage contrast reactions?
RadiologyOn reviewing a chest XRAY you notice the film and report are a complete mismatch, how do you approach the situation?
RadiologyTell us about a time you’ve displayed interpersonal skills. / You have three minutes to tell us of your ability to develop rapport with staff and patients, and to think clearly and communicate ideas under pressure
RadiologyTell us about OH&S issues associated with MRI
RadiologyTell us about the clinical knowledge you’ve accumulated and how you can apply that as a radiology registrar?
RadiologyTell us about your educational experience, particularly prior to medicine, and tell us about your greatest achievement
RadiologyTell us about your level of knowledge in key areas that will be useful for you as a radiology registrar; exams you have passed, courses completed, computer skills required.
RadiologyWhat are the important skills of a radiologist?
RadiologyWhat is your opinion on Artificial intelligence and how do you see if affecting radiology in the future?
RadiologyWhat’s involved in the part 1 exam? What have you done to prepare for it and do you know when the next sitting of it is?
RadiologyYou are acting as the reporting radiology registrar. You have several trauma CT studies to report. A surgical registrar wants you to report on a abdominal CT scan for their patient and to decide to take them to theatre later that night. What do you do?
RadiologyYou are in the first week of radiology training. A neurosurgeon asks you to report on an MRI brain of one of their patients as they need to decide as soon as possible whether to take them to theatre. What do you do?
RadiologyYou are on call, ED want to perform a CT scan an 8yr old boy with abdo pain, what would you do?
RadiologyYou have 120 scans to report, how would you approach this?
RadiologyWhat conferences and workshops have you attended?
RadiologyWhat procedural skills do you have?
RadiologyWhat clinical terms have you done so far in your internship and residency?
RadiologyDescribe your previous radiology terms and who you've worked with.
RadiologyWhat do you hope to contribute to the department?
RadiologyWhat area of radiology are you interested in?
RadiologyA senior clinician has ordered some inappropriate tests, what do you do?
RadiologyHow can radiologists cause harm?
RadiologyYou are performing an OPD barium swallow, results come back as having a stricture. What do you do?
RadiologyYou are asked to perform a doppler at 4:45pm to exclude DVT. Your child is waiting at child care to be picked up at 5pm. What do you do?
RadiologyDiscuss some important aspects of radiation safety and OH&S.
RadiologyComment on the increasing use of CT as an ED triage tool.
RadiologyTell us about some more negative aspects of radiology.
RadiologyWhat do you think about teleradiology?
RadiologyWhat do you think are some problems facing radiology in the next 5 years?
RadiologyHow do you think the [X] hour rule affects radiology?
RadiologyDo you think radiology is different to other specialities?
RadiologyDo you think radiologists get the respect they deserve?
RadiologyWhy do you think radiologists are perceived as bullies to house officers and what should we do to foster the relationship?
RadiologyWhat would you do if you disagreed with a consultant regarding a scan you are signing off to them?
RadiologyWhat should a good radiology request have?
RadiologyWill you miss the patient interaction?
RadiologyHow does the Treaty of Waitangi play a role in Radiology?
RadiologyWhat exposure have you had to radiology?
RadiologyWhat do you bring to radiology?
RadiologyWhat’s your view on alternative medicine?
RadiologyCurrent events question (in the past: Brexit, Hillary Vs Trump, RDA strikes, social media in politics, vaccinations)
RadiologyWhat do you think are the main reason for complaints in radiology?
RadiologyWho do you think has the responsibility for your learning/training as a registrar?
RadiologyWhat social support would you have in a remote area?
RadiologyWhat are the recent advances in neuroradiology?
RadiologyWhat are you most proud about on your CV?
RadiologyWhat would you do if the person you are verbally communicating to about an image said “speak English”.
RadiologyWhat would you do if a patient wanted a copy of their report?
RadiologyWe are encountering more and more incidental findings on scans. How do you think these should be managed?
RadiologyThere was one question where I was directed to a poster with pictures of different chocolates and one with XRays of those chocolates. I was asked which one was the KitKat and which was Flakes.
Vascular SurgeryPatient with lots of medical problems including gangrene of his foot. You are working on call as the registrar. During the day he underwent a fem-distal bypass operation. It was agreed pre-op by team + patient + family that if it didn’t work the patient would be kept comfortable and palliated. During the night you see the patient because the pulse is no longer present. You cannot get a hold of the consultant who did the operation, but you manage to get through to the on-call consultant. You agree that the graft is down and you should palliate the patient. You speak with the family and the patient and everyone agrees with the plan. After all of this happens – the original consultant who did the operation calls you back and says to book the patient for theatre. What do you do?
Vascular SurgeryScenario: The nephrology team refer a patient to you who has kidney failure and diabetes and presents with a foot ulcer. They have promised the patient he will have hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The family are angry with you when you say this isn’t really a service of treatment that would be offered. They asked what I would do. And how I would address the conflict between the departments, how would I make it so that didn’t happen in the future
Vascular SurgeryYou hear from a nurse that one of your fellow registrars is rumoured to have been drinking alcohol while doing on call shifts. Who would you tell? What would you do? Who is at risk here of harm? (I said patient, the person himself, the colleagues incl me) What support services do you know of to help him?
Vascular SurgeryYou’re helping your senior colleague do a procedure and you think he may have put a wire through the renal artery. You confront him and he says he didn’t. He doesn’t mention anything in the notes about it after the procedure. Later that night the patient dies. How do you handle this, who do you tell. What do you tell the family.
Vascular SurgeryOne of your colleague’s performance has dropped off. How do you stay motivated? How would you help your colleague stay motivated.
Vascular SurgeryIMG has lots of experience and is a competent worker. His family is away in the home country and he has recently failed the fellowship exam. You have been notified that he wasn't reachable on call. He tells you that he is going to complain to the head of unit about unsafe working hours in the unit which you don't think are actually unsafe. What are the issues? How would you look after your colleague?
Vascular SurgeryLong summary of 75/M with multiple comorbidities RA/IHD/COAD is seen by you in clinic for pain in calves and buttocks which has been worsening over the last year or so. Pain on standing as well. On exam unable to lie flat due to breathlessness and has difficulty mobilising. Has a wife who has dementia and a daughter. Legs are slightly cool and absent pedal pulses but palpable femoral and popliteal pulses. Skin is thin. Provide a summary of the case to handover to the consultant.
Vascular SurgeryYou have started as a registrar in a new hospital. Your unaccredited registrar and jmo dont tell you about investigations and their results but seem to know all the results when consultant comes for a ward round shortly after. How will you deal with this situation?
Vascular SurgeryYou are working as the SET registrar in a new hospital. Your junior SET trainee tells you about his experiences from the previous employer. Incidents where he didn’t get consultants support and/or supervision and was left fending for himself and on some instances had to call General surgeons for help. He has sound clinical and technical skills but you find him always wanting ‘’someone to watch over’’. What is the problem and How would you deal with the situation? How would you deal with the bed experiences about the previous employer that your colleague has shared with you?
Vascular SurgeryYou are the junior SET trainee in the hospital working with a senior SET trainee who always ‘’takes over’’ your operating list. You evaluate a patient in the ED who is likely to need theatres. Your senior colleague (who is meant to attend Outpatient clinics) decides to ‘’check on you’’ but you tell them ‘’I am fine here, everything is under control and you should go sort out the clinic’’. A week later you are asked by HR to reply to a formal complain lodged against you by your senior colleague. How do you deal with the situation?
Vascular SurgeryA media star is admitted to your hospital with due to mental illness, substance use and self harm. You notice colleague looking up her information that are not directly involved in her care. Your fellow registrar who has a cousin journalist, has taken a particular interest and you are worried she is leaking info to the media/ her course. You later see a text on her phone when answering for her in theatre saying “thanks for the info cuz”. What are the ethical and legal issues surrounding this scenario. How would you address this? What are the implication to the unit, your colleague, hospital. Do you disclose to the patient?
Vascular SurgeryA patient had a revascularisation procedure and the graft has been unsuccessful. The operating surgeon wants to take the patient back to theatre (for the 3rd time). The On-call consultant wants to palliate the patient. The family don’t know what to do, but there has been discussion in the past that the patient would not want further attempts nor a major amputation (not formally documented).- how do you handle this situation?- what is the conversation that you will have with the consultants specifically?- why do you think that there may be a disagreement in management between the 2 consultants?
Vascular SurgeryThree equally important cases need to go to theatre and you need to come in and decide which one goes first. Equal acute listing ( 6 to 24 hours. )First one is your own department and hybrid approach will be needing interventional radiology but if you need to proceed further the table and appropriate theatre is not available.Second case is a general surgical case with multiple comorbidities, but a generally simple case.Third on is a case added onto the end of the list on the general surgical list but it has overflowed onto the acute list. You consultant is upset as this team always does this which is inappropriateHow do you deal with this? What are the issues in the case? What obstacle may you encounter? Who else can you discuss this with? Is there anyone else you can escalate this to?In what order would you proritise the cases?How do you deal with the issues in the third case?
Vascular SurgeryYou are called to theatres to assist the fellow for a carotid endarterectomy. You reach at the time out and surgery is uneventful. While the patient is waking up you realise that surgery was performed on the wrong side. Consent was correct side. He had bilateral carotid disease and you did the asymptomatic oneYour senior says he’ll speak to the patient, but can you discuss with the family.Discuss the ethical issues in this scenario and how you would deal with this situationWhat would you tell the family?What would the consequences to the unit, the colleague and hospital be, and what should be done to address this situation?
Vascular SurgeryThe senior registrar is inappropriate and rude to two female juniors on the team. Although you get along with him fine, he constantly criticises them in front of nurses and the other members of the staff. Excludes them from ward rounds. They start to call in sick. a. What are your options? What do you do?b. How do you address the situationc. How would you actions affect you
Vascular SurgeryYour consultant left a suture needle in the chest wall after closing and asks you not to report it in the operation report. How would you handle this situation?
Vascular SurgeryYou have been up all night operating and the consultant the next day says there are three carotid endarterectomy cases for you to do and that he has generously lined them up for you so you can fill out your logbook. What would be your response?
Vascular SurgeryThe effective education of undergraduate and postgraduate students is a priority for the medical profession. Can you describe your teaching experience to date and outline your approach to surgical teaching?
Vascular SurgeryYou are in the operating room doing a case and the emergency department calls you and the nurse takes the call and tells you there’s an emergency downstairs, a rupture. Your consultant is at home which is approximately 30 minutes away. How would you handle the situation?
Vascular SurgeryYou are in an operation and you need to perform an amputation but after checking the consent form ‘amputation’ is not on the form and the person who filled it out is not contactable. What do you do?
Vascular SurgeryHow does your professionalism play in to your practice? Working in our clinical environment involves an appreciation of varying cultural norms. Give an example of how you behaved with a patient with an unfamiliar cultural background and how that influenced your professional behavior.
Vascular SurgeryHow does self-audit influence a departments performance. Give an example of a clinical error that you made and how you responded
Vascular SurgeryVascular fellow is doing a renal artery stent and you think he has dissected the renal artery. You ask him about this and he mentions not to tell it to the patient. He finishes the operation and does not type this complication into the operative notes. Overnight, the patient has a MET call for hypotension which was managed by the resident overnight. This was followed by a cardiac arrest where the patient died the next day.- how do you handle this scenario when your senior is lying about a complication?- how do you handle the distressed Resident?- what are the hospital policies regarding surgical deaths and who specifically getsinvolved?
Vascular SurgeryThere is a patient under the renal team with a gangrenous foot. Orthopaedics have been involved with the care and have performed multiple debridements. You as the Vascular registrar are aware that due to this patients PAD – the only reasonable solution is major amputation. The family don’t want an amputation and are unhappy with the management of this case. None of your consultants want to get involved either and have asked for you to sort out the management with the other teams.- How do you handle this situation?- How do you manage the family?- How do you interact with your colleagues on this matter? - how do you treat conflict in the workforce?- how do you prevent conflict in the workforce?
General SurgeryThere is a media release about mortality and morbidity data on a particular surgeon's performance with publication of the surgeon's post-op complication rates. What do you do?
General SurgeryHow do you approach a family member not wanting surgical treatment?
General SurgeryWhat is the surgeon's audit process?
General SurgeryYou are stuck in theatre and a trauma call is put out. What do you do?
General SurgeryYou admit a patient who has a bladder injury following a surgical procedure. Your supervisor indicates that the surgeon is a poor operator. What do you do?
General SurgeryYou have a patient sick with pancreatitis. Family want to withdraw care. What do you do?
General SurgeryHave you ever been encouraged to perform a procedure you were not entirely comfortable doing? What did you do? How did you reflect?
General SurgeryWhat is the purpose of a surgical checklist
General SurgeryYou are asked to review a patient post laparotomy for SBO, they have low urine output, how do you proceed?
General SurgeryYou are working long hours and the director of surgery is regularly requesting your assistance in private, and you are starting to feel tired at your primary place of work. What do you do?
General SurgeryYou are asked to review a patient who is post total thyroidectomy bleeding on the ward with respiratory distress. Outline your management approach.
General SurgeryYou are shown an axial CT scan from someone returning from Bali showing PV gas and liver abscess. What is your differential diagnosis and plan of management?
Obstetrics & GynaecologyWhy is there a lack of surgical training time, and what is the role of the simulator? What can we do to address this?
Emergency MedicineCan you give us an example of when you observed team-work in the emergency department.
Oral Maxillo-FacialDo you think orthographic surgery should be done in the public system given that the waiting list for head and neck cancer is increasing
PsychiatryWhat was a moment you were proud of as a doctor?
AnaestheticsA colleague of yours is crying in the hallway at work. How do you approach this situation?
General RMO/SRMOWhat is clinical governance?
Non Specific QuestionWhat do you think the value of non-medical skills are to the practice of medicine?
General PracticeYou are a GP in a rural general practice. One of your usual female indigenous patients who lives with her 2 young daughters and husband presented to you to seek treatment for a cheek laceration. Her daughter was present in the consult to act as an interpreter. When questioned about the cheek laceration, you notice she seemed at unease and her daughter appears to be answering your questions at times without consulting her mother. A few weeks later, she presents to you again, this time with a bruised eye that she claims to have attained after falling down some stairs. What are the issues surrounding this and what is your approach in this situation?
General SurgeryOutline your strengths that you would be able to contribute to the hospital.Difficult experience with a person in another team and the outcome.Situation: Being asked to write a prescription by a nurse on a medication that you are not aware of for a patient.Recent research, what was the outcome.
OrthopaedicsYou overhear an SRMO openly disagreeing with the consultant’s plan in front of patient. What are the issues with this and what would you do?
General RMO/SRMOA 20-year old female was rushed to the ED for abdominal pain. What are your differential diagnosis for the case? What investigations do you plan to do for the patient?
General RMO/SRMOA 75 year old male, post-surgical patient admitted at the ward, was referred to you for tachycardia. Upon checking his vitals, his BP was 70/40, HR 120 looking pale. How do you plan to manage this patient?
Non Specific QuestionAs an RMO, how will you teach interns assigned to your rotation?
Non Specific QuestionWill you recommend getting the CoVid vaccine to people and why?
PaediatricsYou were assigned at the Acute Care Unit, and found out that a patient was sent home on Gentamicin 10x higher than the recommended dose. What will you do?
PaediatricsA 2 year old patient was brought to the ED and warrants a lumbar puncture. How will you explain the procedure to the mother?
PaediatricsTell us about your experience in Paediatrics
Critical CareTell me about yourself.
General RMO/SRMOWhich procedural skills have you learned so far as a medical officer?
General RMO/SRMODescribe a time in which you disagreed with one of your seniors and how you handled it?
Basic PhysicianWhat would you be if you were not a doctor?
AnaestheticsWhat was your best clinical moment ? What was your worst clinical moment
Emergency Medicine45 Yr old known parent with schizophrenia brought in by the police is behaving aggressively. How do you manage the situation?
OrthopaedicsTell us (the panel) about a recent article that you read, and how it changed your practice.
General RMO/SRMODescribe the principles of discharge planning.
General RMO/SRMOA colleague has been underperforming. In conversation with them, they disclose they have been depressed, are not sleeping well, and are having suicidal thoughts. What do you do?
General RMO/SRMOYou have been asked to review four patients at the same time. How do you handle it?1 - A young toxicology patient who is becoming aggressive towards staff2 - An elderly patient D1 post abdominal surgery with low urine output3 + 4 - Two patients with chest pain
General RMO/SRMOYou're walking down the hall and a nurse opportunistically grabs you to assist with a 60 yo patient he has just found in apparent cardiac arrest. (The patient is unknown to you.) What do you do?
Consultant Rolehow to improve LOSwhat can you contribute to work as a team WEAT target - how to improve
Emergency MedicineYou are SRMO at ED, elderly lady from nursing home brought with symptoms ( The symptoms which were described are pointing the lady was in sepsis) 1) Your first approach 2) Discharge or admit? I questioned the symptoms and additionally I found out the lady had hyponatremia- Answered I would ask my senior for admission, they responded the senior can't be reached. I said I would admit her with discussing the issue for registrar.3) Now simulate the condition by having a call to registrar ( ISBAR)
General RMO/SRMOYou are called for a women at ward having shortness of breath after C/S. 1) differential diagnoses2) investigations 3) management
General RMO/SRMOYou are called for a patient having obstipation following colon surgery( with colostomy) 1) approach2) differential diagnoses 3) investigations4) management
General RMO/SRMONurse called you to ED for an old man who had a collapse recently.1) Approach2) differential diagnoses 3)investigations
General RMO/SRMOThe nurse forces you to give a particular medicine to a patient that you have never seen. How would you response?
General RMO/SRMOWhat do you think about documentation?
General RMO/SRMOWhat challenges would you expect whilst working in a rural/regional setting?
General RMO/SRMOHow you handled Covid 19 cases in your earlier hospital duties?
PsychiatryWhat is an example of a positive change you have brought to the workplace?
General RMO/SRMOHow will you handle a patient who is agitated and doesn't understand English?
PharmacologyScope of pharmacy in Australia
Ear Nose & Throat SurgeryDescribe how you would decannulate a poster operative glossectomy patient's tracheostomy.
General RMO/SRMOHow would you approach a palliative patient presenting to the ED with acute abdominal pain?
Critical CareTell us about a time you dealt with a difficult or challenging colleague. How did you manage the situation? What would you do differently?
General RMO/SRMOYou are called to review a patient with HR of 150 and AF on ECG. She is also complaining of severe abdominal pain. How will you manage the patient?

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